10 Wonderful Animations About the Nature of Things
Technology companies are taking care that we delve less and less into the mechanism — to understand yourself in a modern smartphone or car is almost impossible. But even about the simple mechanisms that surround us in our daily lives, we don’t know much. Below are 10 GIF videos that shed light on the device of the door lock, washing machine, fan and other simple mechanisms.
How the key unlocks the door lock
How the washing machine works
How wind musical instruments are made
How machines sort small things
How a sewing machine works
How lightning works on clothes
What happens when a gun is fired
Why does a grenade explode?
How the fan works
How is the manual transmission arranged
Source: mirfactov.com/
How the key unlocks the door lock
How the washing machine works
How wind musical instruments are made
How machines sort small things
How a sewing machine works
How lightning works on clothes
What happens when a gun is fired
Why does a grenade explode?
How the fan works
How is the manual transmission arranged
Source: mirfactov.com/