Tablets harm the development of social skills

Experts continue to study the impact on children's development and on their health modern gadgets. Another disappointing results published in The Telegraph. Association of lecturers and teachers in the UK said that children performing for tablet computers a lot of time, not able to play with simple blocks, and writing with a pen on paper. That is, fine motor skills these kids are very bad.
In addition it turned out that the smallest fans of tablets I can't concentrate in the classroom because their attention easily slips away. Children playing late on the pill, then not able to sit attentively in the classroom, because experience real withdrawal.
As suggested by the teachers, the displays do not give the child to learn to concentrate due to constant visual stimulation, that is, when constantly before the eye something flickers, to focus hard on something in particular.
At the moment many students also lack the usual social skills, because the parents are much easier for the child to sit at a fancy gadget than to play with him. Primary school teachers noted that many children today are easily able to unlock something or other electronic device, but not able to build from the designer a simple figure.
Experts summed up the following article: sometimes a child is useful to ask to switch off the tablet to go out with friends on the street. In addition, you can power off Wi-Fi overnight to prevent children slept, that is, that have not played nights games online.

Source: globalscience.ru