Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner—love and scandal in Hollywood

For America Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) is not only "the most popular singer of the century", but also a true legend and a symbol of the era of show business and the Golden era of Hollywood with all its attributes – classic glamour, gangsters, millionaires, and an aura of grandeur and inaccessibility idols. A Sicilian, a friend of the mafia, he was named the most desirable man of the twentieth century. His biography, in which great creative victory combined with his friendship with presidents and politicians, crime bosses and first beauty, is one of the brightest pages of world culture.

With regard to the great history of his love, it was just one. At that time, as all the women in his life were connected, including such Hollywood beauties, like Marilyn Monroe and Lana Turner, the passion for one woman shocked him so much that the great Sinatra had lost his voice, went on a binge and tried to kill himself. Her name was Ava Gardner (Ava Gardner). The actress, one of the brightest Hollywood stars of the 1940s and 1950s years, the incomparable beauty and incredible woman temperament, she was known for her magnetic effect on men.

What is the gravity of this fatal beauty, was legendary. Even the great Hemingway called her a Muse and favorite actress. At the time of the meeting with Sinatra, she had twice been married and has experienced a dizzying affair with multimillionaire Howard Hughes, who first encountered such a headstrong woman. Fan indulged all requests beauty: planes, diamonds, outfits. Frank was married and had three children. He did not consider the family an obstacle for a stormy relationship, but the passion of such force were more important than the desire for home comfort. Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner They met in 1950 at the premiere of the picture "Gentlemen prefer blondes".

The state, which remained Sinatra after this meeting, his friends and biographers describe as insanity. "She told me something in a glass slipped!" – it came true. The feeling that seized the main star of the era, destroyed it: Sinatra was suffering, in pain, mad with love and jealousy. It was hard for him to compete with Hughes in the offering of expensive gifts, and his trademark methods of deception on the Avu had no effect. Friends didn't know Frank – he was beaming with delight when Ava agreed to have dinner with him, went like a beaten dog, when she had ceased to take it seriously. "I have got you under my skin" – these words of the famous song Frank Sinatra recorded in one go late at night, dying of love for ava Gardner. Their best songs he wrote while in a state of love of fever which did not leave him any minute ballad "Fool, I wanted you" was a product of his sensory seizure.

Sinatra knew how to love to distraction and madness, and proud, but passionate ava was impressed by this way of expressing feelings. When she surrendered under its pressure, their bright Roman contemporaries called it as "bullfight of love" two bright personalities and idols of the era. The clash of two southern temperament translates into the kind of passion that engulfed them both. Generous, bright, generous Frank had ava's feelings that she hadn't received from Hollywood bosses and wealthy admirers. They were both witty, energetic, impulsive and emotional, they coincided in everything – in the love of strong drink, delicious food, night Boxing fights and love on the verge of frenzy. It was the energy of true love and passion, which it was impossible to resist.

Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner While Frank and Ava met in secret – for the press and society he was the husband of Nancy, and she met Hughes. Random the reporter who caught them together, made a lot of noise. Avoiding scandal, Ava flew to Spain, and Frank, who decided that left him with the grief of lost voice. He flew to her on the other end of the world, but there it was waited by new blow – his beloved woman had an affair with a bullfighter. He almost took his own life, but Ava stopped him, promising to return. And again cheated her affair with Richard Greene ended for Sinatra overdose of sleeping pills. And Ava gave up. The long-awaited wedding took place in Philadelphia.

A few years of absolute happiness became for Sinatra reward for suffering. However, even in family life in Frank and Ava continued to harass each other with jealousy, quarrels and stormy showdown. Frank worshiped ava, like the goddess, kept her pictures in his office, watched it and lose health in his paranoid desire to possess her completely. Such an obsession can't keep in suspense forever – love this filament can not withstand the test of time. But even after the divorce, held in 1957, Frank and Ava continued from time to time to meet secretly – paparazzi and then caught them in a God-forgotten hotels under the cover of night. After ava Frank had many women, beautiful and famous, but he's never experienced anything even vaguely reminiscent of the all-consuming love that happened in his life. Ava died in 1990 at the age of 68 years. Sinatra lived to be 82 and died in 1998.
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