Scientists have created a machine that retrieves information from the brain
American researchers have developed a scanner that can read dreams and to discover and retrieve images.
The potential of this device, according to the inventors, can be used to restore memories in criminal cases – to obtain a photo of the offender. Neuroscientist Alan Cowan of the University of California, says: "Our methods give strikingly accurate neural reconstruction. This new technology represents a promising approach to study perception and offers ways to restore persons in the 'offline' visual experiences — including dreams, memories and imagination.
Six volunteers showed 300 photographs, scanned, and analyzed the results. Then participants were asked a new set of photos and again measured the response of the image. After that, scientists using the database, was able to reconstruct the photo. Professor Cohen and his colleagues at other universities believe that removing the images is the first step to mind-reading. Cowan also assured that mind reading cannot be produced by force. He said, " Yet technology can only read active parts of the brain. Therefore, the scanner is unable to receive passive memories the person needs to imagine the memory to be able to read it."
Source: nauka24news.ru/