Improper use of headphones can damage hearing

Scientists estimate that about 90% of information about the environment a person receives through sight, about 9% — through hearing and 1% through other senses. Here on the hearing today will be discussed. It is a valuable gift of mother Nature, so wrote accordingly.
The current reality is full of different sounds which are not always desirable. Is the traffic noise, and other various equipment, talk to strangers, someone's radio, a neighbor with a hammer, and so on. Each of us has our own list. The problem is that we cannot always influence the source of the sound stimulus, so choose headphones. All the other playback device also remains in the side if the house has a small child, or someone from your family doesn't like your favorite music.
Actually, headphones is a very good thing, but requires thoughtful application. The reason is that improper use of this engineering inventions can permanently ruin your hearing up to complete loss. What is the reason for this detrimental effect on their hearing?

Earphones form is unnatural to the human condition listening to music. Therefore, after prolonged use headphones there comes fatigue and other symptoms of fatigue. Have this device and disadvantages, tangible lovers of quality sound. Headphones fail to convey the sound space without using some engineering tricks. Sound system forms a sound image in front of the listener, the headphones in the head. This situation is unnatural to the space around us, so some people have to get used to.
But still the majority of people appreciate the "mugs" for mobility, quality frequency reproduction and comfort. Therefore, the manufacturers of the devices crisis.
Now about the safety rules. You can not listen to headphones on strong volume. Even if the same volume level of speaker system you're comfortable with. The problem is that between you and the speakers is a layer of air that protects the ear from sudden sound surges and other troubles. In the case of using the headphone emitters are in close proximity to the auditory canal, so that the risk of acoustic injury increases dramatically. You can make "ringing in ears" or lose the ability to perceive a specific range of frequencies. And, the larger the volume, the faster the injured ear.
Source: 3dp.su