On the red planet have discovered a grave with a cross
A group of researchers dealing with extraterrestrial civilizations, made a unique discovery with the establishment of the discovery of the graves on the surface of the red planet.
Search this finding contributed to the work of the Rover "Curiocity", which took a few photos of graves with the cross during the surface exploration of Mars.
Upon consideration taken by the Mars Rover pictures on land, the experts came to the conclusion that the tomb has installed a cross made of wood. The belief that this finding is still grave, contributed a careful study of concrete plates under the cross, which, as usual, and similar to a tombstone.
It should be noted that the constant exploration of the red planet, scientists again and again find extraordinary sites, indicating diverse and unique facts. Recall that until today on Mars was found a metal helmet belonging to, oddly enough, a soldier of Germany.
German scientists have developed a virtual walk on Mars Now to take a tour of the red planet can right from home and absolutely for free. Walk on Mars will be carried out thanks to modern means of communication. The staff of the centre of aviation and Astronautics in Germany mounted the roller on the basis of satellite photos of the planet, digitized in 3D. Footage taken from studies conducted over 10 years. Video duration of 4 minutes allows you to see the topography of Mars, in this case being in a state of flight.
On Mars found traces of sea water according to representatives of research groups from the Netherlands and Germany, on the red planet was was small accumulations of water masses, which is a perfectly normal liquid environment. According to the scientists, the journalists, near the crater of the red planet, called Aram Chaos, during the existence of Hesperia era in this area was a shallow lake with a strong
According to experts, the colonization of Mars for the first time, Scientists long believed that the colonization of other planets in the solar system can greatly help in development of manned space flight. According to them, the colonization of the red planet, has long ceased to be fantastic object space, may be an important factor for technological development and technology improvement. The scientists also stressed that planned projects they should initiate
Source: globalscience.ru