Elegancki skridagamin
At the bottom of the small ponds North and South America lives elegancki skridagamin (lat.Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Despite the unattractive appearance, it should not deprive his attention. Rest assured, this amphibian will be able to surprise you!
Take, for example, its size. Body length allegance of krutogorniy can reach as much as 74 see, This is one of the three known giant salamanders in the world. The color of her body is usually grayish-yellow, with indistinct black spots, but there are also gray individuals.
Or there's something else. All my life elegancki skridagamin spends under water, but he doesn't have gills! How is he breathing? The fact that under the skin folds of krutogorniy there are many capillaries, which are able to absorb dissolved oxygen. It turns out that this unusual amphibian breathes with skin. She has lungs, but they are used in extreme cases.
Elegancki skridagamin has considerable age – kind of lives on our planet for over 100 million years. And during all this time he remained practically unchanged. However, unfortunately, human activities have an impact on it. The IUCN classifies this Salamander to endangered species.
Day elegancki skridagamin hiding under the driftwood, and at night go hunting. It feeds on small crustaceans, worms, fish, mollusks and frogs. Lives alone, meeting with the opposite sex only during the mating season.
Breeding begins in late summer. To do this, the male digs a burrow and waiting when the female lays the eggs there. Sometimes one male will go "visit" several females and then the number of eggs reaches 450 pieces. The male fertilizes them and guards against predators. Once the larvae are hatched he considers his duty fulfilled and floats away. Life expectancy allegance of krutogorniy is 50 years.
Source: zoopicture.ru
Take, for example, its size. Body length allegance of krutogorniy can reach as much as 74 see, This is one of the three known giant salamanders in the world. The color of her body is usually grayish-yellow, with indistinct black spots, but there are also gray individuals.
Or there's something else. All my life elegancki skridagamin spends under water, but he doesn't have gills! How is he breathing? The fact that under the skin folds of krutogorniy there are many capillaries, which are able to absorb dissolved oxygen. It turns out that this unusual amphibian breathes with skin. She has lungs, but they are used in extreme cases.
Elegancki skridagamin has considerable age – kind of lives on our planet for over 100 million years. And during all this time he remained practically unchanged. However, unfortunately, human activities have an impact on it. The IUCN classifies this Salamander to endangered species.
Day elegancki skridagamin hiding under the driftwood, and at night go hunting. It feeds on small crustaceans, worms, fish, mollusks and frogs. Lives alone, meeting with the opposite sex only during the mating season.
Breeding begins in late summer. To do this, the male digs a burrow and waiting when the female lays the eggs there. Sometimes one male will go "visit" several females and then the number of eggs reaches 450 pieces. The male fertilizes them and guards against predators. Once the larvae are hatched he considers his duty fulfilled and floats away. Life expectancy allegance of krutogorniy is 50 years.
Source: zoopicture.ru