5 shocking plants
Flora always delights us with its diversity. But some of its representatives are able to shock not only their appearance, but also “behavior”. So, 5 plants that amaze the imagination.
1. Rafflesia (Rafflesia)
Sometimes on tropical vines you can see amazing giant flowers. As scientists have found out, not the vines themselves bloom so magnificently, but the Rafflesia plant parasitizing on them. The parasite itself hides in the tissues of lianas, but in order to attract insect pollinators, throws out flowers that resemble a piece of rotten meat in their color and smell.
2. Ficus Bengal (Ficus benghalensis)
This tree grows such long and heavy branches that as a result it is itself forced to make supports under them. So there are shoots that not only reach the ground, but also take root. As a result, one ficus is not difficult to confuse with a small forest.
3.Carnegiea Giantea (Carnegiea Giantea)
This plant belongs to the cactus family. In height, these succulents can grow up to 14 meters, and in diameter - more than 3 meters. The lifespan of this giant cactus is over 150 years.
4.Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
The “ratio” of this predatory plant includes not only all kinds of insects, but also snails, and even frogs.
5.Sequoia evergreen (Sequoia sempervirens)
This is the tallest tree on earth. Often their “growth” exceeds 110 m. The oldest sequoias found are over 3,500 years old.
Source: /users/413
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