"NASA" is a technological solution to colonize the whole of galactic space

A leading expert in the field of engineering of the American company "NASA", who created a machine to explore the surface of Mars, named Adam Steltzner, offered a unique technological solution to colonize the whole of galactic space. According to him, while wearing some weird character in the near future, people will be able to fly from one planet to another in a few hours on a special spacecraft.

According to reports from other scientists, only complement the expert opinion, this idea hatched by scientists for quite a long time and, most likely, in the near future would be real. However, at the moment, scientists can not imagine the possibility of a colonization of the galactic space of several planetary objects.

Scientist engineer the world name, has also offered technology of creation of people by a method of three-dimensional printing for the corresponding device, but that's another story.

Source: globalscience.ru