New wind turbines can be installed on buildings

The uniqueness of the wind turbine Liam F1 in its quietness and energy efficiency. If conventional turbines often do not cover cost of installation, but the new type will solve this problem. In addition, noise is only 45 dB, which is quieter noise of the rain.
Like a weather vane, she turns following the wind, captures air flow and gradually reduces its speed and changes direction.
According to the inventor of the turbine and the technical Director of The Archimedes of Marinus of Meremeta, turbine efficiency is 80% of the theoretical maximum in wind power.
One Dutch family consumes around 3300 kWh of electricity per year. According to The Archimedes, they developed the turbine can cover almost half of this demand at a wind speed of at least 4.5 m/s. the Estimated cost of installing -3999 euros. In addition to domestic wind turbines The Archimedes plans to use turbines Liam for supply ships.
Source: greenevolution.ru
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