Santos Express Train Lodge Hotel from Old Train
An old train parked on Santos Beach in the harbor of Mossel Bay in the Southern Cape Province of South Africa has been converted into a nice small hotel.
Called the Santos Express Train Lodge or simply the “Train”, the cabin stands on abandoned tracks about 30 meters from the sea. Only seven cars, four of which are with sleeping compartments, they are separated by two toilets and a cabin with a shower. The fifth carriage is turned into a bedroom with 16 beds and a kitchen where you can cook your own meals.
The last two carriages - "Royal Ladies" - two old cars, built in the early 1920s. They have very spacious apartments. In addition, there is a restaurant that offers a good selection of traditional South African dishes, such as Boboti (a dish of spicy meat with savory sauce) and waterlommetybredi (a stew of lamb, sorrel and aponogeton - a water flower).
Source: mirfactov.com/