The scientist proposed to make paper capacitors

Indian scientist has found an effective way of turning plain paper into the supercapacitors.
As said Satishchandra Ogale National chemical laboratory (Pune), the idea of such use of paper came into his head while cleaning his Desk. Together with fellow scientist shredded the paper into small strips and held a series of processes of heating and cooling of the mass. Then I mixed it with sulfuric acid at 180 degrees and held the carbonization at 800.
At the end of the process, a team of Indians got a carbon structure with a large number of microscopic forms. The surface area of the obtained porous structures: 2,300 square meters per gram. Then the researchers used a new material together with gel electrolyte to create high-capacity capacitors. Opening commented scientist from the University of Nottingham George Chen: "the Process is not as economical as regular disposal of waste paper. But if the technology is viable, the waste paper can be used to store energy."
Source: nauka24news.ru/