As I repaired the LCD TV
I think twice, but still decided to create another technocratic theme from the category "ochumevshih skillful hands».
Gallery is 6
I think it's possible that someone ever faced with a malfunction of the TV or monitor can also try to repair without resorting to the services of the master. After all, in modern technology the most subject to wear those components that work in harsh conditions. First of all, the components in the switch mode power supply or high-voltage converters.
(I'm not going to force the reader a lot of pictures with electronics, realizing that it is interesting not many)
It's about fixing this TV here
Of course, I do not claim that a modern device to fix - it's very simple ... No, I just want to remind you that often enough, you can not very zasiraya their brains Transistors sosistorami easily fix the unit.
(In fact, it often and live for many careless DILETANTY- masters skimming simple breakdowns and leaving the complex repairs serious art, which often come home after an unsuccessful "repair" some hack.)
(Remember that the surface is always flashes ... a bunch of freeloaders proposals, and serious and competent expert must still find something like) It is not easy.
But gently try to fix it, not very penetrating into potroha- capable of almost every man, (who knows what a soldering iron is not only knock out the debts.) (Women as there are no obstacles to such surveys.)
(Attributed to the master always have time ... and try to always interesting inquisitive people)
The main thing to remember medical lozung- cut to hell! ... Do no harm.
(And about electrical safety tip to remember, for elektpizdrichestvo makes no distinction between professional and diletantom- yepashit same. (Here indulgence and slack only to persons with high electrical conductivity of the body) That's me to the fact that BP pulled out of the telly or monika- proverte- had any discharge Conder large in the primary high-voltage parts.
By the way, for the ignorant will be useful to know that after the diode bridge recess 220 easy movement turns into a pants ...... converted into DC voltage 310 ...
-So I was writing on Yap threads that overseas often people throw things quite suitable.
And also about the Internet is already a lot of similar themes. It is known about the theme of electronic equipment for the landfill mound. Of course, one should not think that emit nothing but good things ... A lot of old things, rather, obsolete ... People update their property and without pity rid of the old. New emit at the same breakdowns ... Different seriousness, by the way ...
I have long calmly refer to this phenomenon. In a place where people throw away electronics, looks infrequently. Most often, of necessity, which is sometimes ...
For example, several times I purposefully came and sought out her old audiotehniku- I extracted potentiometers (in the new digital tehnike- is a rarity) ... (I like that they suddenly needed, and ordered -zhdat - did not have the patience)
Television, as such, I was never interested in, I would even say that I hated them during the harsh years of the 90th, when out of necessity had to work a little TV technician at a service center. Well, then, television has recently looking very rare. More specifically, over the weekend, especially before going to sleep, one tselyu- read subtitles in the local language in order to study the latter. Everything else takes attention to leisure internet, rather PL. One of the computers is permanently in my bed, I fall asleep often with noutom on his belly.
Then one day I came across a discarded television. Actually, a lot of times I come across similar findings, but brought home, I have always found that the only reason there was always a cracked screen. I am not angry, pulled out the electronic parts and then shipped back to the car, and then carried away to where brought.
The unit proved to be the LCD TV 37dyuymov inch ViewSonic N3760w
Thrown directly from the control panel. Many discarded TVs and remote neatly put together. In my opinion, a very touching concern ...
But in those years for such TVs in the store, I did not even look ... the price was such that oglohnesh !!!
Brought home the telly, turn it on and found that it does not wish to be included ... It was a very pleasant surprise for me: it means there is hope that threw for a reason not related to mechanical defects of the screen. And I will have the opportunity to try to fix it.
Another pleasant surprise was the ability to download from the Internet PDF Tools -manual. Again I reminded of a saying of one of my friends - "the scheme will repair any fool" ... Here I did was just to even schastliv-: starts this doctrine.
So, one day I put it to stenochke and began to disassemble:
Unscrewing Tuyev Khuchua (I thought of impatience) screws and removing the back cover, I found that all the blocks are closed with iron screens. As soon as the power supply stood forlornly in a corner and without cover. (Well, and then it turned out that I was different and not necessary.) I told you - do not clog their brains with unnecessary information because our head - it's not a loft ...
Well on, I'm still a little deeper into the study of the electrical circuit, a bit like Prochukhan at least a block diagram and voltage values that must be present at the output of the power supply.
The power supply for the type is not very complicated, but it is on the one hand (the other hand it is quite serious in the degree of integration of components in SMD version.) (By the way, this bydloyaschika potreblyadskaya power - 220 watts)
That photo - figures shown are Conder that I replaced.
But Pomeroy output voltage, it became clear that not all voltages are present. Here I was all joy.
I removed the power supply and have met there was something out there to measure how soon saw three bloated capacitor (electrolytic). In fact, such a failure is very common. For different reasons. Well, in this case, the reason was mainly from aging, because the capacitors were in the food chain rezhima- duty means that the work all these years (since no similar devices from the wall outlet does not vytaskivayut- years)
One visible sign of failure is a swelling of the electrolytic kondensatorov- top. And, if you look at the condenser closely, you can see the notch on the end. This is to ensure that at higher heating Conder, an electrolyte squeezed bottom of the hull, breaking the aluminum in places cuts, thereby mitigating the effects of boiling capacitor. Exactly this property may help even inexperienced detect dead Conder.
Moreover, it is enough to see just a little bit inflated bottom Conder. (Often this is observed on motherboards kompov- there (in CPU power converters), they generally work in difficult conditions high cycle charge-zazryada and often lose the capacity)
Typically, this capacitor falls into tens or hundreds of times. This must be replaced.
Clear pepper, that I have in store a lot of any boards of various electric apparatus. Soon we find capacitors with the desired nominal value of capacitance inapryazheniyu.
Replacing the capacitors (the pictures are marked by the numbers 1, 2 and 3) set the power supply back to the TV and turn on the power. When the LED is lit on duty was very exciting rezhima-
... I thought, that's because ... well just everything repaired, and now even, God forbid, it turns out that the old master (and the new one that, so I already?) To find that the telly came kirdyk took, and with anger He banged his fist on the screen ?? That is such a possibility can not be ruled out it was. Well, okay, I reassured myself, in fact, all my efforts it is worth at least one - to figure out what to do with telikom- get right, and the rest as quickly as possible to take back, for I have rented apartment is not very big ... worthless trash ... (she already bursting at the seams with all sorts of electronic components and devices)
And so, when you see the image, but still of good quality, I am a bit happy ... telly somewhere in 2005, and the stock of brightness he is quite good. Also on the menu I found Russian language - and the Norwegian was not ... ha ha! (By the way, I have long noticed the fact that for many Norwegian producers consider great zapadlo add a couple hundred kilobytes in miserable service firmware many units ...
Local residents have to be satisfied, as a rule, the Swedish language of the closest available ... (which I personally think is quite unpleasant ... That is, they understand everything, but for them it is the same as if the Russian-speaking people had to use the Ukrainian language in the menu. As set functions, and in general, "which buttons zhmat", in general, of course. But it is not so happy.
Here photo menu in Russian in exile ... I appreciated almost to tears of joy !!!
Not once saw from SIDS, even in Volvo cars, to tidy everything on the menu is written in Swedish ...
(And in fact they have some common Scandinavian conglomerate - for example, in shops writing on the product is only in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish. English - rarely ...)
Or remembered how (even when he was working in the service station) sat customizable menu dashboard of the new Ford, and there in the number of available languages and the Romanian and Polish, and Russian srpsky and even the Norwegian ... displeasure. A native of Norway is not ... only Swedish.
So I put a TV in the bedroom on the nightstand. Although I'll be watching ?? Around show some blacks ... What - what little joy ....
Well ... I'm going to read titry- I have just not very sharp vision ...
Near the little seen my old telly, which I sometimes watched before ... He is also 37, but not inches and centimeters diagonally, a little more ...
In general, I've got the idea, not whether to use the TV set as a monitor, for example, when using a laptop? (I have a way where it was lying quite nimble notebook without a display particle was broken)
Picture juicy, bright and easy to read letters ... That's only necessary to deal with the settings to resolve ...
Then it will be on a larger scale to watch our favorite PL.
podklyuchit- I have tried telly there is an entrance VGA and HDMI ...
I ... thank you all for your attention to the topic.
In conclusion I want to ask rhetorically nebesa- When in Russia ordinary plodder in the crash, for example, TV or monitor, it will wrap the power cords neatly around the body, you can get yourself into Rafik 4 (for example) and will take it to the dump fuck WHETHER he is very old or not. (as is the case in Norway and many European countries) ...
Gallery is 6
I think it's possible that someone ever faced with a malfunction of the TV or monitor can also try to repair without resorting to the services of the master. After all, in modern technology the most subject to wear those components that work in harsh conditions. First of all, the components in the switch mode power supply or high-voltage converters.
(I'm not going to force the reader a lot of pictures with electronics, realizing that it is interesting not many)
It's about fixing this TV here

Of course, I do not claim that a modern device to fix - it's very simple ... No, I just want to remind you that often enough, you can not very zasiraya their brains Transistors sosistorami easily fix the unit.
(In fact, it often and live for many careless DILETANTY- masters skimming simple breakdowns and leaving the complex repairs serious art, which often come home after an unsuccessful "repair" some hack.)
(Remember that the surface is always flashes ... a bunch of freeloaders proposals, and serious and competent expert must still find something like) It is not easy.
But gently try to fix it, not very penetrating into potroha- capable of almost every man, (who knows what a soldering iron is not only knock out the debts.) (Women as there are no obstacles to such surveys.)
(Attributed to the master always have time ... and try to always interesting inquisitive people)
The main thing to remember medical lozung- cut to hell! ... Do no harm.
(And about electrical safety tip to remember, for elektpizdrichestvo makes no distinction between professional and diletantom- yepashit same. (Here indulgence and slack only to persons with high electrical conductivity of the body) That's me to the fact that BP pulled out of the telly or monika- proverte- had any discharge Conder large in the primary high-voltage parts.
By the way, for the ignorant will be useful to know that after the diode bridge recess 220 easy movement turns into a pants ...... converted into DC voltage 310 ...
-So I was writing on Yap threads that overseas often people throw things quite suitable.
And also about the Internet is already a lot of similar themes. It is known about the theme of electronic equipment for the landfill mound. Of course, one should not think that emit nothing but good things ... A lot of old things, rather, obsolete ... People update their property and without pity rid of the old. New emit at the same breakdowns ... Different seriousness, by the way ...
I have long calmly refer to this phenomenon. In a place where people throw away electronics, looks infrequently. Most often, of necessity, which is sometimes ...
For example, several times I purposefully came and sought out her old audiotehniku- I extracted potentiometers (in the new digital tehnike- is a rarity) ... (I like that they suddenly needed, and ordered -zhdat - did not have the patience)
Television, as such, I was never interested in, I would even say that I hated them during the harsh years of the 90th, when out of necessity had to work a little TV technician at a service center. Well, then, television has recently looking very rare. More specifically, over the weekend, especially before going to sleep, one tselyu- read subtitles in the local language in order to study the latter. Everything else takes attention to leisure internet, rather PL. One of the computers is permanently in my bed, I fall asleep often with noutom on his belly.
Then one day I came across a discarded television. Actually, a lot of times I come across similar findings, but brought home, I have always found that the only reason there was always a cracked screen. I am not angry, pulled out the electronic parts and then shipped back to the car, and then carried away to where brought.
The unit proved to be the LCD TV 37dyuymov inch ViewSonic N3760w
Thrown directly from the control panel. Many discarded TVs and remote neatly put together. In my opinion, a very touching concern ...
But in those years for such TVs in the store, I did not even look ... the price was such that oglohnesh !!!
Brought home the telly, turn it on and found that it does not wish to be included ... It was a very pleasant surprise for me: it means there is hope that threw for a reason not related to mechanical defects of the screen. And I will have the opportunity to try to fix it.
Another pleasant surprise was the ability to download from the Internet PDF Tools -manual. Again I reminded of a saying of one of my friends - "the scheme will repair any fool" ... Here I did was just to even schastliv-: starts this doctrine.
So, one day I put it to stenochke and began to disassemble:

Unscrewing Tuyev Khuchua (I thought of impatience) screws and removing the back cover, I found that all the blocks are closed with iron screens. As soon as the power supply stood forlornly in a corner and without cover. (Well, and then it turned out that I was different and not necessary.) I told you - do not clog their brains with unnecessary information because our head - it's not a loft ...
Well on, I'm still a little deeper into the study of the electrical circuit, a bit like Prochukhan at least a block diagram and voltage values that must be present at the output of the power supply.
The power supply for the type is not very complicated, but it is on the one hand (the other hand it is quite serious in the degree of integration of components in SMD version.) (By the way, this bydloyaschika potreblyadskaya power - 220 watts)
That photo - figures shown are Conder that I replaced.

But Pomeroy output voltage, it became clear that not all voltages are present. Here I was all joy.
I removed the power supply and have met there was something out there to measure how soon saw three bloated capacitor (electrolytic). In fact, such a failure is very common. For different reasons. Well, in this case, the reason was mainly from aging, because the capacitors were in the food chain rezhima- duty means that the work all these years (since no similar devices from the wall outlet does not vytaskivayut- years)
One visible sign of failure is a swelling of the electrolytic kondensatorov- top. And, if you look at the condenser closely, you can see the notch on the end. This is to ensure that at higher heating Conder, an electrolyte squeezed bottom of the hull, breaking the aluminum in places cuts, thereby mitigating the effects of boiling capacitor. Exactly this property may help even inexperienced detect dead Conder.
Moreover, it is enough to see just a little bit inflated bottom Conder. (Often this is observed on motherboards kompov- there (in CPU power converters), they generally work in difficult conditions high cycle charge-zazryada and often lose the capacity)
Typically, this capacitor falls into tens or hundreds of times. This must be replaced.
Clear pepper, that I have in store a lot of any boards of various electric apparatus. Soon we find capacitors with the desired nominal value of capacitance inapryazheniyu.
Replacing the capacitors (the pictures are marked by the numbers 1, 2 and 3) set the power supply back to the TV and turn on the power. When the LED is lit on duty was very exciting rezhima-
... I thought, that's because ... well just everything repaired, and now even, God forbid, it turns out that the old master (and the new one that, so I already?) To find that the telly came kirdyk took, and with anger He banged his fist on the screen ?? That is such a possibility can not be ruled out it was. Well, okay, I reassured myself, in fact, all my efforts it is worth at least one - to figure out what to do with telikom- get right, and the rest as quickly as possible to take back, for I have rented apartment is not very big ... worthless trash ... (she already bursting at the seams with all sorts of electronic components and devices)
And so, when you see the image, but still of good quality, I am a bit happy ... telly somewhere in 2005, and the stock of brightness he is quite good. Also on the menu I found Russian language - and the Norwegian was not ... ha ha! (By the way, I have long noticed the fact that for many Norwegian producers consider great zapadlo add a couple hundred kilobytes in miserable service firmware many units ...
Local residents have to be satisfied, as a rule, the Swedish language of the closest available ... (which I personally think is quite unpleasant ... That is, they understand everything, but for them it is the same as if the Russian-speaking people had to use the Ukrainian language in the menu. As set functions, and in general, "which buttons zhmat", in general, of course. But it is not so happy.
Here photo menu in Russian in exile ... I appreciated almost to tears of joy !!!

Not once saw from SIDS, even in Volvo cars, to tidy everything on the menu is written in Swedish ...
(And in fact they have some common Scandinavian conglomerate - for example, in shops writing on the product is only in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish. English - rarely ...)
Or remembered how (even when he was working in the service station) sat customizable menu dashboard of the new Ford, and there in the number of available languages and the Romanian and Polish, and Russian srpsky and even the Norwegian ... displeasure. A native of Norway is not ... only Swedish.
So I put a TV in the bedroom on the nightstand. Although I'll be watching ?? Around show some blacks ... What - what little joy ....
Well ... I'm going to read titry- I have just not very sharp vision ...
Near the little seen my old telly, which I sometimes watched before ... He is also 37, but not inches and centimeters diagonally, a little more ...

In general, I've got the idea, not whether to use the TV set as a monitor, for example, when using a laptop? (I have a way where it was lying quite nimble notebook without a display particle was broken)
Picture juicy, bright and easy to read letters ... That's only necessary to deal with the settings to resolve ...
Then it will be on a larger scale to watch our favorite PL.
podklyuchit- I have tried telly there is an entrance VGA and HDMI ...
I ... thank you all for your attention to the topic.
In conclusion I want to ask rhetorically nebesa- When in Russia ordinary plodder in the crash, for example, TV or monitor, it will wrap the power cords neatly around the body, you can get yourself into Rafik 4 (for example) and will take it to the dump fuck WHETHER he is very old or not. (as is the case in Norway and many European countries) ...
