The government via the Internet
The Internet has penetrated our lives so deeply that affected all spheres of human existence. Today we are increasingly confronted with its impact on our lives and in the future, this trend will only increase. One of the interesting trends could be the use of Internet technologies in voting and government in General.
On the basis of existing technological capabilities, today it is possible to carry out electronic voting by voting via the Internet. The most striking confirmation of this was the elections to the Estonian Parliament in 2011. These elections took place completely online. Absolutely each Estonian citizen had the opportunity to get your electronic ID number, under which he carried out their will.
The administration of the country is a complex process that is associated with an enormous bureaucratic difficulties. Initially, we elect a government that then decides what laws to adopt and which should be abandoned. Good work this government has the interests of the people, which you have chosen, but most of the Parliament and business are so deeply interconnected that the government was primarily interested in their mapped interests. As a result, all laws that are taken, have little to do with the desire of the people.
Modern technologies allow citizens of any state to take major decisions independently. We ourselves can accept or refuse any legislative acts by means of voting via the Internet.
In Switzerland, one of the richest countries in the world, annually hosts a huge variety of referendums. The most important issues in this country are resolved directly by the citizens of the country. Of course, as a result of such referendums will work in the interests of the people.
To hold a referendum or elections from an economic or organizational point of view is quite difficult. Therefore, the use of electronic voting system via the Internet will be a great solution to save money and improve the level of civic responsibility.
The only question remains with the security issues of the such rules. Today many Internet service providers try to give the issue of security of great importance. One of these is the Intertelecom company that systematically invests in the development of safety systems during network access. Most interesting is that despite such expenditure, the cost of the tariff plans of this provider remains quite low. Perhaps that is why many users prefer Intertelecom?
Source: 3dp.su

On the basis of existing technological capabilities, today it is possible to carry out electronic voting by voting via the Internet. The most striking confirmation of this was the elections to the Estonian Parliament in 2011. These elections took place completely online. Absolutely each Estonian citizen had the opportunity to get your electronic ID number, under which he carried out their will.
The administration of the country is a complex process that is associated with an enormous bureaucratic difficulties. Initially, we elect a government that then decides what laws to adopt and which should be abandoned. Good work this government has the interests of the people, which you have chosen, but most of the Parliament and business are so deeply interconnected that the government was primarily interested in their mapped interests. As a result, all laws that are taken, have little to do with the desire of the people.
Modern technologies allow citizens of any state to take major decisions independently. We ourselves can accept or refuse any legislative acts by means of voting via the Internet.
In Switzerland, one of the richest countries in the world, annually hosts a huge variety of referendums. The most important issues in this country are resolved directly by the citizens of the country. Of course, as a result of such referendums will work in the interests of the people.
To hold a referendum or elections from an economic or organizational point of view is quite difficult. Therefore, the use of electronic voting system via the Internet will be a great solution to save money and improve the level of civic responsibility.
The only question remains with the security issues of the such rules. Today many Internet service providers try to give the issue of security of great importance. One of these is the Intertelecom company that systematically invests in the development of safety systems during network access. Most interesting is that despite such expenditure, the cost of the tariff plans of this provider remains quite low. Perhaps that is why many users prefer Intertelecom?
Source: 3dp.su