How to Survive a World Without the Internet

Photo: www.gizmodo.com.au
Ahtung! Your internet just dropped and it doesn’t seem to be coming back anytime soon. Don't panic! Or, wait, maybe you should panic in this case. These things are hard to remember, so let’s check with Google. Wait, which Google? The Internet doesn't work! All right, here we go, basta. What do we do now? How to survive in a world without the Internet?
After a rapid hyperventilation faint, gather, take a deep breath, and think about the fact that human civilization could have existed for a long time and without such seemingly inalienable benefits of modern civilization as the Internet. Of course, there were “dark days” (an endless number of archaic media, in which content was updated only in a few days, not seconds; the need for direct human contact and, worse by modern standards, the lack of access to free porn) – humanity was able to survive this time. In that case, you can too! All you need to do is carefully read this memo (or it is better to save it somewhere) and, if necessary, use it. Today we will talk about “analog” versions of the most popular Internet services, without which any modern Internet user can not do.
Twitter/Flipboard/"Tandles" - called "newspapers"

Want to learn more about what’s happening in your city or the world? The first thing you need to do tomorrow morning is to leave the house, find the nearest print press kiosk and ask for a daily newspaper. Yes, and in this case, do not forget to bring money, because you will have to pay for the newspaper. A little, from 20 to 50 rubles, depending on the publication. For the most desperate, there is also a subscription for half a year or a whole year. Here prices will already vary from several hundred rubles to several thousand.
So you bought a newspaper... Be careful, the edges of paper pages are much sharper than the screens of your now useless smartphones and tablets without the Internet. Don't cut yourself!
Video hosting YouTube - TV channel "Pepper"
Being in a stressful situation due to the lack of Internet, you will definitely want to relax and get a dose of positive. With the presence of the Network, there is nothing easier to go to YouTube and launch all sorts of collections with the funniest videos from around the world. But since you do not have the Internet and will not, and you want to entertain yourself by watching videos with cute and funny animals, awkward situations and heroic deeds of ordinary people, there is still a way out. For example (don’t count as advertising), the entertainment TV channel “Pepper”, where almost every day this good is at least enough. Moreover, there are some of the most popular Russian vloggers, such as Max 100500 and BadComedian. And if you try to “run” on other TV channels, then most likely you will find this good even more. So don't waste your time!
Streaming content - once called "cinema distribution" ... once...

One of the beauty (and in this case, one of the disadvantages) of the Internet is that you can easily find sites with large stocks of various feature films in a very acceptable quality. Many of these sites, operating officially under license, require a small fee in the form of several hundred rubles a month (or a one-time fee for watching a particular movie). But earlier people, if they wanted to watch some fresh film with Arnold “I’ll be back” Schwarzenegger, went straight to the store of the movie distribution service, where, leaving several tens of rubles, and often their passport, took home a video cassette or a CD with their favorite film for a couple of days. Most of the content was unlicensed, but still people could watch fresh movies.
Of course, this type of service can still be found in some cities, but in the vast majority it has been replaced by all sorts of streaming services for video rental, accessed through the Network. We don't have a network, so you're hit. Or not? If the desire to get acquainted with the latest works of Russian and foreign Hollywood directors is higher than your laziness, then there is a way out: the cinema. The set of films available for viewing in this case, of course, will be limited (you will only see new products, although some time ago there was still a tradition of showing old and very popular films), but at least you will not forget what cinema is.
Internet banking - called "banking cash"

Online banking is perhaps one of the most significant services offered to us by the “Internet Age”, and is likely to be one of the most missing links for a comfortable life when disconnecting the Network. If you need money, you will have to go to the nearest local real bank – this is a “analog” version of your mobile banking app – and perhaps even meet a live cashier for the first time in your life. The cashier will give you access to your bank account information and help with various financial transactions. Oh yes, another “bonus” of a real trip to the bank can be a live queue of similarly suffering visitors. But if you have the “experience” of going to the hospital, you will endure this test courageously. Get strong!
Social networks - called "bars" and "cafes"

There is no internet, but are you still at home? Quickly put on your best outfit, bought at the latest online sale, and head straight to the nearest bar or cafe! There you will be able to relax, drink, learn the latest rumors with the news, and perhaps even see Misha, Petya and Olya for the first time, whom you added as friends on your Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki page three years ago.
Instagram is called Polaroid

Fun fact: Once upon a time, your phone and your camera were two completely different devices. Shocking? Agreed. In the early days of the digital age, the easiest and fastest way to capture a bright moment in your life was a Polaroid camera. At the same time, the quality of the photos that were obtained using such a camera could be envied by the filters of any modern “instagrams” and “flickrs”, which will become completely useless in the absence of the Network. Now Polaroid cameras have become less popular, but nevertheless, the brand has not died (although it has tried many times), and new models can be found on sale. Which, by the way, can be ordered over the Internet. Seize the moment before it's too late.
Maps app is called a map

It can be useful for those who have difficulty navigating in the real world. Maps – they are almost the same as the “maps” application on your mobile device, except that physical maps are a little more difficult to use, they do not show your exact location, do not give advice on choosing the optimal route and do not provide real-time information about the congestion of certain road junctions. Perhaps we will talk about the compass another time. This may be even more shocking to you.
Mail.ru, Yandex, Google, Yahoo - called "Russian Post"

The Internet isn't working! This is an emergency, and you are worried about the arrival or not of a notification to your email confirming the order of a set of stickers and magnets for the refrigerator from online services Amazon and eBay! Are you kidding? Set your priorities well!
Yandex. Music, VK - called "radio"

Video killed radio stars. With YouTube, Vimeo, Vkontakte and hundreds of thousands of other lesser-known and more eerie video sharing services on the scene, it’s hard to imagine classic radio surviving. Luckily for our situation, it's really alive! It was here that our parents learned the latest news and listened to the top chart of the best songs a year before even the built-in Wi-Fi receivers appeared in cars.
Source: hi-news.ru