Man uses 10 percent of his brain is
You've probably heard the popular phrase: "Man uses no more than 10 percent of your brain". Ever wonder who said it and true is this statement?
Oddly enough, many people take these words on faith. A survey conducted last year showed that the statement "10% of brain" trust 65% of Americans. A few years ago with the criticism of this phrase was made by the creators of the show "Mythbusters". The result of their activities was the increase in the number of those who agree with the theory of "10 percent" 10%. Also they inadvertently led some people to believe that the right number is "35 percent of the brain" (which is wrong).
How did the "10 percent" is difficult to say. In the early XX century one of the founders of modern psychology, William James said that humans have unused mental potential.
This is quite true thought was transmitted in a distorted form by writer Lowell Thomas. In 1936, Thomas wrote in the Preface to the famous book by Dale Carnegie "How to win friends and influence people": "Professor William James of Harvard said that the average person develops only ten percent of his latent intellectual potential". It seems that's the number he came up with himself.
"10 percent" are not true for a very simple reason — the brain is a single organ. Try to use 10 percent of the liver or spleen — you are unlikely to succeed
Joe Ledoux, Professor of neuroscience and psychology at new York University, has studied brain activity during different tasks using magnetic resonance imaging. He came to the conclusion that the brain during the solution of this problem is the active hundred percent, although the actual solution is only a small part of intellectual resources.
The brain is multi-tasking, so when a small part of the resources mobilized for the solution of the problem, he also deals with other problems, solving them in the background
First of all, these problems include the basic physiological needs and, for example, movements of hands and head.
Of course, it's nice to think that we use the brain by 10 percent, and with some training will be able one day to use them to the full. Solve the system of differential equations in mind, read minds and the power of thinking to move the mug with beer. It is a pity that it is not. But at least we can still watch some sci-Fi film in which this is possible.
Source: /users/1077
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