Photo report - school lunches around the world
Recently, photographers from the Associated Press Agency went on a trip to find out what schoolchildren eat around the world. These are the kinds of meals (poor or abundant, harmful or useful - it's up to you) fed to the children last week:
Paris, France: Pike with pod beans and mushrooms.
Lambersard, France: Rice with salmon, ratatouille, slice of bread, salad with celery and carrots, orange and doughnut.
Bamako, Mali: Fried donuts. Most students prefer to eat at home.
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Potatoes and pancakes with meat "Milanes".
Buenos Aires, Argentina: The food container includes: rice with chicken "Milanesa" (chicken fried with eggs and crackers).
Barcelona, Spain: Vegetable cream soup, fried pieces of veal with salad, slice of bread, orange, banana and glass of water.
Madrid, Spain: Another Spanish school lunch includes: an omelet, vegetable soup, banana yogurt and a glass of water.
London, England: English students have two options for lunch. At lunch on the right comes: an omelet with fresh broccoli, a slice of bread and a plate of fresh fruit. Lunch on the left consists of rice with fresh broccoli and gravy of chili, a biscuit cake with custard and a banana.
Havana, Cuba: Rice, chicken croquets, tarot root, yellow pea soup, fried banana and orange drink.
Quito, Ecuador: This packed lunch includes a ham, cheese, tomato and lettuce sandwich, an apple and a cereal drink.
Singapore: In order to promote healthy eating, cooks prepare vegetable salads in school canteens in Singapore. Between meals, schoolchildren can snack on fruits, freshly baked bread, soup, barley and beans.
Jakarta, Indonesia: Rice, meatball soup, tofu (soy cottage cheese) and vegetables.
Jakarta, Indonesia: And schoolchildren from Jakarta can buy pancakes right on the street - in terms of our money, such a pancake costs about 35 cents.
Nablus, Palestine: As a school lunch, parents wrap schoolchildren sandwiches consisting of lavash with olive oil and zaatar (a mixture of ground dried thyme, roasted sesame and salt).
Jammu, India: Public school students line up to receive a free lunch consisting of sweetened rice.
Jammu, India: And this is lunch from home. It includes: lavash, mango and turnip dish.
Rawalpindi, Pakistan: Parents prepare lunch rations for their children the night before. It can be eggs, chicken nuggets, bread, rice or noodles, vegetables, chopped steak from lamb or beef.
Rawalpindi, Pakistan: “If children bring fast food to school, we ask their parents to cook and bring exceptionally healthy food with them,” says Rawalpindi, headmaster of one of the schools.
Seattle, USA: Roasted whole-grain bread sandwich with cheese, southwestern-style corn salad, packing fresh carrots, apple mashed or canned pears, and skim milk.
Seattle, USA: Another variant of American school lunch consists of chicken salad (low sodium), whole grain bread, fresh red pepper, peas, corn, beans. It's all seasoned with coriander.
Source: /users/1077
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