The remains of a huge titanosaur was found in Argentina
Recently, paleontologists from Argentina, after declaring the discovery of a local farmer, began to study the remains of a large animal, found in the cultivation of agricultural land near the city of Trelew (Argentina). A few days later, scientists came to the conclusion that the bone belonged to one of the ancient species of dinosaur squad Saurischia (lizard-hipped herbivorous), a member of the Titanosauria (Titanosaurid), which in turn belongs to the infraorder Sauropoda (zauropodov, or aeronomie dinosaurs). The exact species of titanosaur has not yet been determined, but some evidence suggests that perhaps one of Saltasaurus (genus Saltasaurus) lived about 80 million years ago (Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era) in the vastness of South America, Africa, Asia and maybe even Europe.
Brigandine saltasaur (Saltasaurus loricatus), the author reconstructed a 3D image of Nobu Tamura.
The family Saltasauridae includes at least 15 known today types of dinosaurs, armored saltasaur is considered one of the smaller representatives, the body length of the animal reached 10-12 meters.
First measurements allowed the scientists to conclude that found saltasaur was an impressive size, presumably, his height was 20 meters, it weighed not less than 75 tons(!), and the body length of this herbivorous ancient world could reach 40 meters!
Representatives of herbivorous dinosaur nazalnogo family is distinguished from other types of several characteristic features – very long strong tail, a disproportionately small head, strong columnar legs and a long plastic neck that allowed the animal to get food from a variety of sources. In addition, some species of dinosaurs, as shown in the illustration saltasaur, had protective plates located mainly on the dorso-cervical-caudal part of the body of a dinosaur and carrying out a protective function from predatory fauna of those times.
A study of the remains of the ancient phytophagan continues, perhaps scientists will be able a little more to solve the mystery of life on our planet before the appearance of Homo sapiens.
The picture shows the reconstructed image of the titanosaurs of the species Titanosaurus colberti Isisaurus, as expected of a close relative found saltasaur, but lived in territory of modern India.
Source: natureworld.ru/

Brigandine saltasaur (Saltasaurus loricatus), the author reconstructed a 3D image of Nobu Tamura.
The family Saltasauridae includes at least 15 known today types of dinosaurs, armored saltasaur is considered one of the smaller representatives, the body length of the animal reached 10-12 meters.

First measurements allowed the scientists to conclude that found saltasaur was an impressive size, presumably, his height was 20 meters, it weighed not less than 75 tons(!), and the body length of this herbivorous ancient world could reach 40 meters!
Representatives of herbivorous dinosaur nazalnogo family is distinguished from other types of several characteristic features – very long strong tail, a disproportionately small head, strong columnar legs and a long plastic neck that allowed the animal to get food from a variety of sources. In addition, some species of dinosaurs, as shown in the illustration saltasaur, had protective plates located mainly on the dorso-cervical-caudal part of the body of a dinosaur and carrying out a protective function from predatory fauna of those times.
A study of the remains of the ancient phytophagan continues, perhaps scientists will be able a little more to solve the mystery of life on our planet before the appearance of Homo sapiens.

The picture shows the reconstructed image of the titanosaurs of the species Titanosaurus colberti Isisaurus, as expected of a close relative found saltasaur, but lived in territory of modern India.
Source: natureworld.ru/
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