Children egoism—how to deal with it
What is selfishness, what age have children it sprouts, how to prevent the development of children's selfishness and not to confuse it with other qualities. These and many other questions disturb the parents during the upbringing of children. Let's see together in this matter and start with the birth of the child.
Child under years concerned about personal comfort. All his indignation is aimed at protecting their well-being. If you are here to talk about the kids selfishness, it's an emotional protection, the principle of survival.
Child 2-3 years exploring the world and trying it on yourself. He's most interested in the game. And for the sake of fun, he is ready to partially sacrifice their comfort. The need of man in motion and development is not commensurate with the calmness of others. And here, too, there is his selfishness.
At the age of 3-7 years old child in addition to comfort, the game feels the need to "be good." Here there is a ground on which to work very well armed parent, for preventing the formation of selfishness.
Warned children's selfishness
Somewhere around the age of 4 years old kid to explain that he lives in the family. In this family there are other people with their interests, their desires. It is very important to explain to the child that you love him, but love and other family members, they too take care of, respect their wishes.
At this age, you can negotiate with the child and explain what "want it now" not everyone is comfortable. And to make it convenient for everyone to search for the compromise.
Often the child is labeled as "selfish". But this is fundamentally wrong. Calling the child, so the adults give him the direction of behavior. For him choose the wrong model of behavior, the child is like a sponge takes Your imaginary Council a rule.
Hanging labels, you can form an opinion from a child: "I'm bad, and I will behave always bad, but I'll always get what you want, and I do not care what all bad". Children's fears are formed which inhibit the child.
Sometimes the selfishness of the child perceive quite different manifestations
- The child ate something delicious and not left to others. And maybe he was just hungry?
The child always wants everything his way. It is rather the makings of leadership, not selfishness.
Try to understand motives of behavior of the child. Manifestations of children's naive egoism. Parents need to respond correctly in such cases. Mild reaction, good tip will help to make the right correction of the child's behavior.
Rude remarks hurt and alienate the child. The aggressive reaction of parents for any reason have bad consequences. Hurt children brings a child's disobedience and is often a source of violations of the generally accepted rules of conduct.
And, by the way, selfishness is a normal healthy feeling. Polish poet and writer Julian Tuwim put it accurately, regarding the definition of selfish. "Egoist is the man who thinks more of himself than of me."
The person should have to pursue their interests. About himself, he needs to think more and more it is reasonable. Own "I" should be stored is the source of human self – realization. On the other hand, the human egoism – the source of suffering of others
When there is a disregard for the interests of others for the sake of their own interests consciously, that's selfishness. And it should be work education. Child wants to be "nice" and understand that it is not necessary to offend people, of nowhere like.
If a child learns these truths, it is easier to learn to seek a balance between foreign and personal interests.
The only situation hard (but not violent) behaviour of the parents, when to stop the manifestations of egoism if it is directed by the child on you. Parents should not allow their children to govern themselves and to impose conditions. Adults are very important to understand that if You live only for the child, then he will live only for myself, as You taught him, another example of the behavior he does not know. For this, keep the personal "I" does not lose his love for the child. Do you think that this is a manifestation of parental selfishness?
Nikitina Tatiana
Source: karpachoff.com/

Child under years concerned about personal comfort. All his indignation is aimed at protecting their well-being. If you are here to talk about the kids selfishness, it's an emotional protection, the principle of survival.
Child 2-3 years exploring the world and trying it on yourself. He's most interested in the game. And for the sake of fun, he is ready to partially sacrifice their comfort. The need of man in motion and development is not commensurate with the calmness of others. And here, too, there is his selfishness.
At the age of 3-7 years old child in addition to comfort, the game feels the need to "be good." Here there is a ground on which to work very well armed parent, for preventing the formation of selfishness.
Warned children's selfishness
Somewhere around the age of 4 years old kid to explain that he lives in the family. In this family there are other people with their interests, their desires. It is very important to explain to the child that you love him, but love and other family members, they too take care of, respect their wishes.
At this age, you can negotiate with the child and explain what "want it now" not everyone is comfortable. And to make it convenient for everyone to search for the compromise.
Often the child is labeled as "selfish". But this is fundamentally wrong. Calling the child, so the adults give him the direction of behavior. For him choose the wrong model of behavior, the child is like a sponge takes Your imaginary Council a rule.
Hanging labels, you can form an opinion from a child: "I'm bad, and I will behave always bad, but I'll always get what you want, and I do not care what all bad". Children's fears are formed which inhibit the child.
Sometimes the selfishness of the child perceive quite different manifestations
- The child ate something delicious and not left to others. And maybe he was just hungry?
The child always wants everything his way. It is rather the makings of leadership, not selfishness.
Try to understand motives of behavior of the child. Manifestations of children's naive egoism. Parents need to respond correctly in such cases. Mild reaction, good tip will help to make the right correction of the child's behavior.
Rude remarks hurt and alienate the child. The aggressive reaction of parents for any reason have bad consequences. Hurt children brings a child's disobedience and is often a source of violations of the generally accepted rules of conduct.
And, by the way, selfishness is a normal healthy feeling. Polish poet and writer Julian Tuwim put it accurately, regarding the definition of selfish. "Egoist is the man who thinks more of himself than of me."
The person should have to pursue their interests. About himself, he needs to think more and more it is reasonable. Own "I" should be stored is the source of human self – realization. On the other hand, the human egoism – the source of suffering of others
When there is a disregard for the interests of others for the sake of their own interests consciously, that's selfishness. And it should be work education. Child wants to be "nice" and understand that it is not necessary to offend people, of nowhere like.
If a child learns these truths, it is easier to learn to seek a balance between foreign and personal interests.
The only situation hard (but not violent) behaviour of the parents, when to stop the manifestations of egoism if it is directed by the child on you. Parents should not allow their children to govern themselves and to impose conditions. Adults are very important to understand that if You live only for the child, then he will live only for myself, as You taught him, another example of the behavior he does not know. For this, keep the personal "I" does not lose his love for the child. Do you think that this is a manifestation of parental selfishness?
Nikitina Tatiana
Source: karpachoff.com/