Tested the engine running without fuel
A promising technology to build the engine running without fuel
The idea of creating a fuel-free engine which operates by generating thrust using microwaves, nominated Roger Shawyer researcher at Britain. But, according to the UK edition of Wired on the thirty-first of July in Houston is the Johnson Space Center, where are working on this problem, found that such a system enabling to operate the engine without the fuel, produces, in reality, insufficient traction, so to use it for space flight, will have innovative technology to develop.
The engine really does not need fuel because it uses to generate microwaves energy from the Sun.
Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd — a company headed by Choir, has conducted a number of studies by creating an experimental engine. However, not all experts are adjusted seriously. Skeptics believe that engine has no future, because the system violates one of the basic laws of physics – conservation of momentum.
However, a couple of years ago our own system was created in China. Experts say that the traction generated by it is enough to power a potential companion.
Later, your device Cannae Drive was created by engineer Guido Fetta from America. And it is, at the conclusion of the NASA employees that conducted the test, can generate up to fifty micronewtons thrust. Although these readings in comparison with those provided by the experts of China are only 0.1%, but they prove that the new technology works.
NASA explained that the principle behind the system is based on the so-called "curbing" appearing and disappearing subatomic particles. Here, we intend to conduct further research, because I think new technology is very promising.
Source: planetologia.ru/