Seasonal work in garden and the garden —August

Continue to collect and harvest for winter tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. In dry weather do not forget about watering: fruit-bearing plants need moisture. Eggplant is particularly sensitive: if water lacks, fruit shrinking, become ugly, ovaries fall — the yield decreases.
Regularly inspect the bushes of tomatoes, in order not to miss the first signs of late blight. If prevention does not help, you can try to cure the tomatoes, by using folk remedies from Phytophthora, or to remove affected plants to prevent the spread of the problem. The fruit from these bushes immediately processed, because during ripening or storage, they very quickly rot.
Late and mid-season cabbage cabbages ties. It is very important to protect it from pests pierids, aphids, Cutworm. The larvae and oviposition on the leaves and remove manually; using special nets, not allowing the butterflies to get to the cabbages and to lay eggs. Helps dusting of sifted ash plantings and the use of drugs from pests (Bitoksibatsillin and others).
Beginning of August — the time of harvest of winter garlic (if you had done this last week)
Continues cleaning of cucumbers, squash, zucchini. Cucumber fruits, it is desirable to remove at least every 2-3 days overripe, they lose their palatability, and yield of plants is reduced. Squash intended for storage, remove after maturation, but for fresh consumption and for preparations it is better to use young fruits with undeveloped seeds and the thin, soft skin.
Gardeners plant strawberries on prepared (cleaned of weeds and filled with fertilizer) the seeds. It is important not to delay this work to the young plants have time to root well before winter. Adult bushes continue to trim mustache; in dry weather water the planting.
Fill pears and apples ripening plum. Continue to collect falling fruits that is removed, patients affected by pests and to prevent the spread of disease.
Continue setting props, helping trees cope with the weight Nalivayko harvest. Now this is especially important for late varieties of apples, pears, plums. The fruits of early varieties remove as they Mature.
The tasks of the grower
Main tasks of the grower in early August associated with caring for flowering plants. We tied to the posts of tall dahlias to the wind and rain did not break them. Systematically watered flowering gladioli — they are very sensitive to water deficit in drought stalks are bent, the flowers become smaller. If necessary, we make fertilizer (complex fertilizer), set of support.
Regularly prune the fading florets — it helps to keep a neat appearance of the beds and extend the flowering.
Early August is the time to transplant and divide perennials. It is very important to control the depth of planting: some plants (e.g., pions), this factor is critical and determines the future flowering. Make the planting hole of such size that the roots of the seedling freely put in it.
Soon will come the time of planting bulbs. It is time to choose a place for them to look after the planting material is, if your intention is to replenish or update your floral collection. Note the ornamental onions — Allium; if they do not grow in your garden, article "Onion happiness" — unlimitednumber with these wonderful plants.
Lawn care and water feature
Decorative ponds is already a familiar element of the suburban landscape. And flower beds there are at each site. What do you think about floating beds? Imagine flowery "island" floating in a pond... Or even a miniature kitchen garden. To grow in this way can be almost any culture.
Source: www.7dach.ru
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