Established the cause of a giant crater in Yamal
According to researchers, the giant Siberian crater, which was discovered recently, was formed as a result of powerful emissions of methane from melting permafrost.
According to studies conducted on 16.07.14 at the bottom of the crater recorded a high concentration of methane (9.6%). According to Andrei Plekhanov, an archaeologist at the Arctic Research Center, the concentration of this gas usually does not exceed 0.000179%.
As a result of global warming, permafrost warms up more and more strongly, and large deposits of methane represented as frozen gas hydrates become unstable. Methane is coming out.
It should be noted that methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, the greenhouse properties of which are 21 times higher than the greenhouse properties of carbon dioxide. Such massive emissions of methane accelerate the pace of global warming, which in turn accelerates the melting of permafrost and the release of another “portions” of methane.
Three such objects have been discovered recently. Obviously, in the near future they will only be more.
Source: www.priroda.su/