Scientists created the coldest molecules in the world

Physics from Yale University were able to cool the molecules to the coldest temperature.In the experiment, the scientists lowered the temperature of selected molecules to 2.5 thousandths of a degree above absolute zero.
The result could trigger new research in areas ranging from quantum chemistry to tests of the most basic theories in particle physics. The researchers lowered the temperature of strontium monofluoride with lasers in the process of the magneto-optical capture.

Dr. DaveDeMille: "We can start studying chemical reactions that occur very close to absolute zero. We have a chance to learn about fundamental chemical mechanisms." The team from Yale chose molecules of strontium monofluoride for its structural simplicity. Strontium monofluoride fired from the cryogenic chamber to form a beam of molecules, and slowed down with a laser. Then, in a specially formed magnetic field, and cooling them.
Source: nauka24news.ru/