Elon Musk was encouraged by the imminent appearance of a self-driving Tesla

Tesla is developing technology that will make electric cars self-governing. According to the management of the company, the technology will be ready for implementation within 5-6 years.
A successful American entrepreneur Elon Musk, owner of electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors and other innovative companies, said he was ready to compete with Google and Volvo, who are developing technology for cars on autopilot.
"System and software will develop a Tesla. Sensors and subcomponents, of course, will be taken from third-party companies. I believe that in the future, all Tesla cars will get the autopilot," the magazine quoted PhysOrg words of Elon musk's recent speech to journalists in Tokyo.
Self-driving cars not yet on sale, but some manufacturers are developing Autonomous and semi-Autonomous control functions of the vehicle. One of these is the Autonomous Parking.
Words Mask give reason to assume that self-driving cars will be here sooner than expected. In January, research firm IHS published a report, which refers to the mass emergence of drones on public roads by 2025. Ten years after the start of sales, their number will reach 35 million worldwide.
Tesla's chief also expressed hope to continue cooperation with Toyota for the batteries. Musk arrived in Tokyo to announce the release of the web-connected Model S sedan for the Japanese market. The car is of 8.23 million yen (77 million dollars) and is equipped with batteries manufactured by Panasonic.
Japanese company Panasonic is also involved in the project Gigafactory to manufacture lithium-ion batteries at a plant in the desert of Nevada.
It is worth noting that in Japan the market for electric cars is growing as slowly as in other countries. The reason – high prices and underdeveloped infrastructure of charging stations.
Source: hi-news.ru
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