Scientists have developed a paste of stem cells for the treatment of osteoporosis
Researchers at the University of Nottingham presented a paste made from the stem cells contained in the areas of bone mineral, which can be effective in the treatment of osteoporosis.
On assurances of scientists, the injection of such a paste will help to restore weak and fragile bones in patients suffering from osteoporosis. The new drug contains porous microspheres of calcium phosphate with stem cells to cause bone growth.
The introduction of drugs into specific problem areas, provides minimally invasive treatment. Calcium phosphate is a kind of protective sheath for stem cells, which often die after transplanting.
Dr. Ifty Ahmed, said that his team want to provide preventive treatment and strengthening bones those at risk before they get a fracture. "Our goal is to identify people who are at risk to strengthen bones before they get fractures. This means that instead of having to wait, we will try to reduce risk."
While experimental treatments have not yet been tested on humans. In the future it will include the extraction of stem cells from the bone marrow of the patient and mixing them with the microspheres before injection of the paste in the affected bone. Ahmed is convinced: "If this works, this type of treatment can be done in one day."
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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