Hypnotizing things, showing how and what is happening in this world

There are so many interesting things that can be found even in the most ordinary things. We used many products to ready-made, and some interesting things we are so accustomed, that even stopped to think about how they work. We offer you a collection of hypnotizing gifs that show how to get certain things, from the sight of the production of which is impossible to break.

Wrap crayons


The separation of the dough for крендельков


How do камуфляж


The production of glass бутылок


Create a chain


The operation of the sewing machine in slow действии


Freezing soap bubble


A heavy downpour on the shore океана


Device music трубы


The burst of the bubble on a cactus


Light vs мышеловки


Raising теста


Endless торнадо


Latte art


How to construct the suit large птицы


Air travel around the world for one день


Creating wire сетки


Fire matches


The destruction of baseball by pressure

Note how durable lace-up, the ball exploded near her.

source: fishki.net

Source: /users/1080