The frequency of prescribing by doctors of antibiotics depends on the time of day
Nineteen million eight hundred thirty one thousand eight hundred ninety four
The discovery of antibiotics allows us to treat diseases much more efficient and to overestimate their use impossible. But, at the same time we must remember that they kill not only harmful bacteria, but also useful. Therefore, special care need to assign them to children.
However, the surprising result obtained by American scientists. After analyzing the data regarding patients diagnosed with "SARS", scientists have made a database, which includes drugs prescribed for seventeen months in twenty three patients.
Among the twenty-one thousand cases of visiting therapists was information about you when you visit doctors. Researchers managed to establish, even taking note of the difference in the methods of treatment and the individuality of the patients that the doctors they are assigned most often average 5% in the second half of the day.
In addition, researchers from the University of Utah found that quite often their doctors prescribe at random, i.e., where these drugs it is possible to do.
Why this is so, the scientist is hard to explain. According to one hypothesis, it is caused that the doctors, tired for the day, accept the most simple solution. You may need to reduce hours or more responsibility to generate and also increase the time allotted for the break of medical workers.
Although, in this context, a new problem arises, related to a longer waiting patients.
The discovery of antibiotics allows us to treat diseases much more efficient and to overestimate their use impossible. But, at the same time we must remember that they kill not only harmful bacteria, but also useful. Therefore, special care need to assign them to children.
However, the surprising result obtained by American scientists. After analyzing the data regarding patients diagnosed with "SARS", scientists have made a database, which includes drugs prescribed for seventeen months in twenty three patients.
Among the twenty-one thousand cases of visiting therapists was information about you when you visit doctors. Researchers managed to establish, even taking note of the difference in the methods of treatment and the individuality of the patients that the doctors they are assigned most often average 5% in the second half of the day.
In addition, researchers from the University of Utah found that quite often their doctors prescribe at random, i.e., where these drugs it is possible to do.
Why this is so, the scientist is hard to explain. According to one hypothesis, it is caused that the doctors, tired for the day, accept the most simple solution. You may need to reduce hours or more responsibility to generate and also increase the time allotted for the break of medical workers.
Although, in this context, a new problem arises, related to a longer waiting patients.