Eastern wisdom — six books for those who do business with China

For those who are thinking about finding international business partners and access to new markets, it is impossible to ignore China — against the backdrop of sanctions, the Russian government begins to actively cooperate with Asian countries on the Russian market appears more and more Chinese projects, and the Corporation Alibaba Group Holding, which owns China's largest e-Commerce platforms in 2014 held the largest IPO in history at $25 billion, Experts of international IT companies VirtoWay, the founder of the online stores from China Kupinatao.IMO Kitmall.ru specifically for T&P built the list of books that explain the mentality of the Chinese and their approach to business.

"Stratagem. About Chinese art to live and survive, Harro von senger Fundamental work, after reading that, you will learn to understand Chinese. The value of the book is that it reveals one of the little-known but important features of East Asian civilization — strategymost of thinking of its representatives. Stratagem (in Chinese: "jimo", "molue", "clue", "value") means a strategic plan in which the enemy's lies any trap or trick. Very interesting semantics of this concept: Binom, jimo", for example, simultaneously means and intelligence, and ingenuity, and resourcefulness. Strategymost originated in ancient times and was connected with the methods of the military and diplomatic struggle. Diplomatic stratagem was a aimed at solving major foreign policy objectives of the plans over a long period and consistent with national and state interests.
The book aims to teach the Chinese art of cunning, but it is based on the spirit of the sayings of the Chinese philosopher hung Tichina: "a Heart that wants to harm another, there is no forgiveness, but the heart that cares for others, is indispensable."

"How to become sundi" Vladimir Marchenko Attempt to explain the mechanisms for doing business with China through the psychology of its inhabitants. In fact, according to the main idea of the book, the business does not corporations, but individuals. Vladimir Marchenko — a successful entrepreneur, long time working in Shanghai, recounts in the book how to become a Chinese partner a true friend, " or, in Chinese, sundi.

"China Megatrends. 8 pillars of a new society John and Doris Naisbitt Author John Naisbitt became famous, published in the late 1980 book "Megatrends", which draws on a deep analysis of peculiarities of development of the American society of the late twentieth century and their role in the world economy. The book has gained immense popularity not only in USA but also in China. Then in 1996, Jiang Zemin, then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, personally invited Nasbite to work on the same book, on China.
Naisbitt argues that the Chinese development paradigm is fundamentally different from any other existing in Europe or the United States, and cannot be described by existing in these countries, the political vocabulary. The book "Chinese Megatrends. 8 pillars of a new society" by analyzing the political, economic and social models of China leads to the explanation of the phenomenon of the economic miracle.

"The art of war" by sun Tzu One of the oldest military treatises, written over two thousand years ago, the Chinese thinker sun Tzu — classic guide to strategy of behavior in conflict at every level, from psychological rivalry to the hostilities.

"The Chinese specificity".Andrey Devyatov Andrey Devyatov graduated from the Military Institute of foreign languages in Moscow. In 1973 was taken to serve in the GRU of the General staff of the defense Ministry of the USSR. In 1976, the first sent to China under diplomatic cover and lived there for a total of 17 years. Conducting effective intelligence activities in nuclear and missile-space sector, the ninth retired on superannuation in the grade of Colonel. Back in Russia, actively involved in, as he says, the Russian-Chinese strategic interaction: leads a number of research centers, publishes books and regularly publishes articles about China. Andrey Devyatov — member of the Russian branch of the international Academy of future studies (Brussels), Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian-Chinese strategic cooperation, member of the Union of writers of Russia. In the book "Chinese characteristics" he rekonstruiruet the foundations of Chinese thought and gives the calculation method of the Chinese "formula of success", demonstrating the uniqueness of the Chinese experience displays the lessons for Russia.

"Poorly made in China?!"Paul Midler Paul Midler, an American businessman, worked for 17 years in China as an intermediary between American importers and Chinese manufacturers. The book "Poorly made in China?!" could be attributed more to the category of fiction, but, in addition to a simple and captivating language of the narrative, it is quite reliably reveals the peculiarities of the Chinese mentality, business culture and approach to doing business and forming partnerships.
Source: theoryandpractice.ru