The beauty of chemical reactions in stunning videos
Seventy five million four hundred fifty thousand two hundred eighty six
Incredibly beautiful chemical reactions presented in an unusual way, without the banal vials and flasks, riveting the attention and the imagination. The beauty of the process and nothing more.
The main objective of the project Chemistry is Beautiful (Beautiful chemistry) the developers have put the popularization of chemistry as a science, so that through the beauty of chemical reactions and structures to open this world to the General public. First and foremost, for students.
Source: mirfactov.com/
Incredibly beautiful chemical reactions presented in an unusual way, without the banal vials and flasks, riveting the attention and the imagination. The beauty of the process and nothing more.
The main objective of the project Chemistry is Beautiful (Beautiful chemistry) the developers have put the popularization of chemistry as a science, so that through the beauty of chemical reactions and structures to open this world to the General public. First and foremost, for students.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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