Glamour as school beginners fascists
Fascism — a doctrine of racial superiority
Glamour — the doctrine of the superiority of social
Economy, working in virtual space with virtual values, has called glam-capitalism. For me personally, this term causes a stable Association with the Golem (a man from inanimate matter — clay, quickened by the Kabbalists with secret knowledge, the artificial person who does what the law "indecent" or even criminal for the natural living person).
Eighty six million nine hundred sixty nine thousand nine hundred thirty two
Attention in this economy is transferred from the real goods on its characters, with real money on their derivatives, with real values on invented here and now and existing as much as there is the advertising budget for their promotion and maintenance. That is, the demand in such an economy, and is formed artificially from the outside.
As a result, in the hell fly all the classical theories about the balance of supply and demand, market saturation and the pyramid of needs. Due to well-organized advertising can drive a hungry person in line for absolutely useless for him a commodity that can be freely disposed of immediately after purchasing.
The main thing in your life
Anyone can become a trifle,
It is only necessary to believe,
More importantly do not care.
And then does not hurt
You are neither cold nor heat,
Gasping with delight
To deal with the nonsense.
(Grigory Oster)
Such an economy could not generate any consumer behavior model, which is called the glamour. Glamour is a lifestyle, the emphasis is focused on the status — real or imaginary. "Conspicuous consumption" has brought up a special class of buyers who are willing to pay considerable sums not for the quality of the product, and for the well-known symbols that represent the "untwisted" brand.
"The consumption of personal Affairs becomes civil act".© J. Baudrillard
While Baudrillard sees as the most significant example is "prestigious consumption", which is designed not only to meet immediate needs, but for fixing certain social status.
1. Glamour is conspicuous consumption. Its purpose is not to satisfy physical and spiritual needs. His aim is the impression made on others.
2. Glamour is such ostentatious consumption, which can be capitalized and sold.
3. Glamour is not a luxury in the classic sense of the word, though, because glamorous things, categorically not suitable for buried treasure. They have value only as a result of good marketing. Take advertising disappears the price.
Priorities in life and spiritual ideals of the Christian society "Faith, Hope, Love" successfully replaced a primitive, but more easy to understand terms — "Status, Opportunity, and Benefit".
It is important to understand that glamour is not unique and original phenomenon "somehow it happened by itself", but a well-planned social weapon, operating strictly in the same vein, what works and the whole pyramid of financial derivatives. One of the striking elements of this weapon — universal financial vacuum cleaner, working with different groups in different ways, but most effectively and efficiently in the fight against potential competitors — paid stars and top managers.
This is done in a primitive, but no less effective technique — as soon as a patient enters a dangerous quantity of banknotes (for example, a young athlete signs a million dollar deal, a young actress becomes a star of show business, the young politician becomes the face of the party), his approving clap on the shoulder and said, "You're one of us now, the powers that be. But in order to remain at the level you want the house, car, clothes, family, relevant to your changed status»…
As a result of implementation status of these requirements the patient is rapidly becoming from someone who has a million in fact, who needs a million, and thus does not represent a danger for real, and not invented by elites who have the real, not the fictitious capital.
Glamorous spoils the psychology of entrepreneurship. Almost always my work with a client begins with a request to help reduce costs, save. Work is non-linear, collective, heuristic, not for one day. And in my old fashioned head does not fit, as with hard-won result can be put on the acquisition of a piece of silk worth 800 euros or Swiss brand with Chinese filling value of 8000.
Brands absorb the individuality of modern man. In essence, the process of consumption becomes an endless pursuit of the prestige of the brand. Its symbolic nature is now supersedes the quality of the product that are important in its use, and the letters indicating the brand name (the brand) or a symbolic image, displace the applicability of the product in everyday experiences.
© N. Klein, an American scholar and sociologist
The second striking element of glamour — dependence on mass media. Like any invented value, glamour is extremely sensitive to the attention of the media, or rather, the lack of such attention. Well, and control over mass media automatically leads to control over the apologists of glamour.
"A natural result of "prestigious consumption" is "sustainable psychophysiological dependence of the consumer from a particular brand present in the market of goods." Thus, the best-selling product on the market in postindustrial society is not a thing, and the sense of self with the sign "plus", that is "positive identity."
© Tulchin Gregory L.. Doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor
SPb State University of culture and arts
But the most devastating element of glamour — its ideological component. Glamour is the school of social superiority, on which is grown any totalitarian ideology, especially Nazi, because awareness of his social superiority to the awareness of the superiority of race — less one step. Glamour cuts morality, humanity and conscience, as the rudiments, which prevents Shine and leaves cynicism and expediency. What kind of remorse for made — it's impractical.
Glamour is a parody of purity. Glamour shows the purity and wealth, not the ability to clean the kettle, and the ability to purchase a new kettle or buy the work of the cleaner. Glamour simulate eternal life by killing all life and replacing it with artificial.
On a question about messy kids: "These wash or new people?.."glamour says: "Wash useless." Messy kids easier to heat. Glamour deadly and destructive, because shooting in the head of its victims, replacing the real purpose of a man virtual, real relationship — an imaginary image of the real life cut in strange patterns a glossy fairy-tale.
source: seva-riga.livejournal.com
Source: /users/1077
Glamour — the doctrine of the superiority of social
Economy, working in virtual space with virtual values, has called glam-capitalism. For me personally, this term causes a stable Association with the Golem (a man from inanimate matter — clay, quickened by the Kabbalists with secret knowledge, the artificial person who does what the law "indecent" or even criminal for the natural living person).
Eighty six million nine hundred sixty nine thousand nine hundred thirty two
Attention in this economy is transferred from the real goods on its characters, with real money on their derivatives, with real values on invented here and now and existing as much as there is the advertising budget for their promotion and maintenance. That is, the demand in such an economy, and is formed artificially from the outside.
As a result, in the hell fly all the classical theories about the balance of supply and demand, market saturation and the pyramid of needs. Due to well-organized advertising can drive a hungry person in line for absolutely useless for him a commodity that can be freely disposed of immediately after purchasing.
The main thing in your life
Anyone can become a trifle,
It is only necessary to believe,
More importantly do not care.
And then does not hurt
You are neither cold nor heat,
Gasping with delight
To deal with the nonsense.
(Grigory Oster)
Such an economy could not generate any consumer behavior model, which is called the glamour. Glamour is a lifestyle, the emphasis is focused on the status — real or imaginary. "Conspicuous consumption" has brought up a special class of buyers who are willing to pay considerable sums not for the quality of the product, and for the well-known symbols that represent the "untwisted" brand.
"The consumption of personal Affairs becomes civil act".© J. Baudrillard
While Baudrillard sees as the most significant example is "prestigious consumption", which is designed not only to meet immediate needs, but for fixing certain social status.
1. Glamour is conspicuous consumption. Its purpose is not to satisfy physical and spiritual needs. His aim is the impression made on others.
2. Glamour is such ostentatious consumption, which can be capitalized and sold.
3. Glamour is not a luxury in the classic sense of the word, though, because glamorous things, categorically not suitable for buried treasure. They have value only as a result of good marketing. Take advertising disappears the price.
Priorities in life and spiritual ideals of the Christian society "Faith, Hope, Love" successfully replaced a primitive, but more easy to understand terms — "Status, Opportunity, and Benefit".
It is important to understand that glamour is not unique and original phenomenon "somehow it happened by itself", but a well-planned social weapon, operating strictly in the same vein, what works and the whole pyramid of financial derivatives. One of the striking elements of this weapon — universal financial vacuum cleaner, working with different groups in different ways, but most effectively and efficiently in the fight against potential competitors — paid stars and top managers.
This is done in a primitive, but no less effective technique — as soon as a patient enters a dangerous quantity of banknotes (for example, a young athlete signs a million dollar deal, a young actress becomes a star of show business, the young politician becomes the face of the party), his approving clap on the shoulder and said, "You're one of us now, the powers that be. But in order to remain at the level you want the house, car, clothes, family, relevant to your changed status»…
As a result of implementation status of these requirements the patient is rapidly becoming from someone who has a million in fact, who needs a million, and thus does not represent a danger for real, and not invented by elites who have the real, not the fictitious capital.
Glamorous spoils the psychology of entrepreneurship. Almost always my work with a client begins with a request to help reduce costs, save. Work is non-linear, collective, heuristic, not for one day. And in my old fashioned head does not fit, as with hard-won result can be put on the acquisition of a piece of silk worth 800 euros or Swiss brand with Chinese filling value of 8000.
Brands absorb the individuality of modern man. In essence, the process of consumption becomes an endless pursuit of the prestige of the brand. Its symbolic nature is now supersedes the quality of the product that are important in its use, and the letters indicating the brand name (the brand) or a symbolic image, displace the applicability of the product in everyday experiences.
© N. Klein, an American scholar and sociologist
The second striking element of glamour — dependence on mass media. Like any invented value, glamour is extremely sensitive to the attention of the media, or rather, the lack of such attention. Well, and control over mass media automatically leads to control over the apologists of glamour.
"A natural result of "prestigious consumption" is "sustainable psychophysiological dependence of the consumer from a particular brand present in the market of goods." Thus, the best-selling product on the market in postindustrial society is not a thing, and the sense of self with the sign "plus", that is "positive identity."
© Tulchin Gregory L.. Doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor
SPb State University of culture and arts
But the most devastating element of glamour — its ideological component. Glamour is the school of social superiority, on which is grown any totalitarian ideology, especially Nazi, because awareness of his social superiority to the awareness of the superiority of race — less one step. Glamour cuts morality, humanity and conscience, as the rudiments, which prevents Shine and leaves cynicism and expediency. What kind of remorse for made — it's impractical.
Glamour is a parody of purity. Glamour shows the purity and wealth, not the ability to clean the kettle, and the ability to purchase a new kettle or buy the work of the cleaner. Glamour simulate eternal life by killing all life and replacing it with artificial.
On a question about messy kids: "These wash or new people?.."glamour says: "Wash useless." Messy kids easier to heat. Glamour deadly and destructive, because shooting in the head of its victims, replacing the real purpose of a man virtual, real relationship — an imaginary image of the real life cut in strange patterns a glossy fairy-tale.
source: seva-riga.livejournal.com
Source: /users/1077