Clinical death lasted 45 minutes – the record of life no pulse

photo: facebook Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro Even the most experienced of the physicians who participated in saving the life of a middle-aged pregnant woman from the American state of Florida, I can't explain from a scientific point of view, a miracle has happened. Heart patient had stopped beating for 45 minutes but her brain was not injured.
During cardiac arrest the bodies quickly begin to suffer from oxygen starvation. Most sensitive to lack of oxygen is the brain – only after 5-6 minutes after the cessation of the heartbeat in it begin irreversible changes.
More striking case occurred with a 40-year-old ruby Graupera-Cassimiro (Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro), a resident of Florida (Florida). Recently the doctors clinic Boca Raton Regional Hospital who examined the pregnant woman, came to the conclusion that natural childbirth elderly mother, who suffered initial degree of obesity, can pose a certain danger to her health, and decided that ruby needed a cesarean section.

photo www.wptv.com
In the modern clinic, the risk of complications when such an operation is very low. However, in this case the unexpected happened – at ruby suddenly developed amniotic embolism. After the child was already removed from the uterus, amniotic fluid entered her bloodstream women, and she had a cardiac arrest...
The doctors tried to bring her back to life through defibrillation of the heart for 45 minutes but all their attempts were unsuccessful. But after doctors ceased resuscitation and was going to tell her husband and other relatives of ruby about the tragic outcome, the instrument suddenly gave the appearance of the pulse.
A thorough examination of the "resurrected" women did not reveal any lesions of any brain or other organs.
The next day she was disconnected from the ventilator, and a week after healed postoperative scar, along with her daughter was released from the hospital.
The doctors are amazed not only in the complete absence of brain damage after 45 minutes of oxygen starvation, but also the fact that on the skin of ruby there is no evidence of a massive discharge of electric current, with which she tried to return to life. published
Source: gorod.lv