Juvenile court — outside the law
The British newspaper the Telegraph publishes an article about the lawlessness prevailing in juvenile courts.
Why is the British family courts do not obey the laws? A British journalist is investigating.
Family court is the analogue of what in Russia is called juvenile court. This court decides any cases involving minors.
Christopher Booker, a British journalist, investigating a corrupt system of forced family unit (forced adoption) and closed British family courts, calls this system "one of the most disgusting and scandalous" in the history of the UK.
He noted the efforts of the Supreme judges of the family court sir Menu that attempts over the past two years to restore some semblance of justice in the juvenile court system.
Two weeks ago, Menu along with two other judges of the Court of appeals harshly criticized the family court judge Robert Dodds ' Liverpool (Robert Dodds) for the way he conducted the trial concerning the fate of the boy who is characterized as a student with high academic performance. The boy desperately rushed back to his mother in the family home.
In 2012, social services SS Liverpool sent the boy to the custody of his father who had committed violent acts in relation to the son. Then, the local authorities sent the child to foster content (family-style group, or foster care). Poor kid survived the sending, as if by stage, from one foster family to another. As a result, he was replaced fourteen of these families.
In the end social services, the SS had come to the conclusion that the boy should get back to mother. But regardless, even the SS decision, judge Dodds refused to accept any evidence in favor of such decisions and ruled for the child to remain in the foster system.
Sir, Manby called the trial itself and the decision of the judge Dodds ruthless, unscrupulous and nespravedliva.
Journalist Booker cites a couple of examples, very typical in this ruthless system, emphasizing the role of lawyers of victims of parents who were hired. to fight for their children. These "defenders" literally forbade her parents to enter the courtroom to testify in his own defense.
I think this publication will serve as another podtverjdeniem of how the British social services the SS, with the support of lawyers and private family juvenile courts, operate outside the law, bescenta, being absolutely sure of impunity. Booker gives another typical example of lawlessness: staff of social services SS Angle (Anglesey) was taken from parents to their nine-year-old son without a court order.published
Author: Laila Horseshoe Estate
Source: www.ivan4.ru/news/yuvenalnaya_yustitsiya/yuvenalnyy_sud_ne_podchinyaetsya_zakonam/