How did the curtain rods?

At all times people, who were engaged in the construction of his house, thinking not just about achieving comfort, but also about how to protect your "Palace". Anyone who looks at the ancient home of people can see how they resemble a fortress. Today we protect our home not only from burglary, but from the looks of strangers. And help devices such as eaves for curtains. Wooden curtain poles including.
What were the ancient eaves?The first version of the cornices were of the usual wooden sticks. After people learned how to forge metal, for fastening curtains began to use forged rods. The curtains were passed through through the post and from the edge of the placed lugs. These elements were made at the time of:
- tree;
- metal.

Change pornoteen eaves became not just a functional item but an essential element of decor. The arrowheads were made in different shapes, has been actively used art forging and wood carving. As time went on, there appeared many new forms and materials used to make rods. Up to the seventeenth century, the size of the Windows in the houses were very small because of what people used curtains and cornices is not very active. Then using fabrics decorated the doorways, they were used on the walls of buildings.

Buildings with large eknaligoda began the Baroque era, began to appear house with Windows of large size. It then began a phase of active use of the eaves. In those years there was massive rods designed for layered curtains, which was attached to pelmets, Smad, various brushes, clips. And the finials that decorated the cornices, were real works of art that fascinates people to this day. Until the nineteenth century in the eaves has been traced heraldic and heroic motives. The most common form of the tips were arrows, spears, coats of arms.

The departure from the "classic"Key style that reigned in European countries from the late 19th century was art Nouveau. There were many differences from the usual classical solutions. On the curtains appeared floral patterns, images of flowers, buds. But the cornices are different. There was a fashion for asymmetry, because it looked so fresh and unusual! Then came the era of constructivism, the main requirement of which was simplicity and brevity throughout. In the eaves were lost aesthetic component, these products can be substantially simplified, have become the functional element of the interior. Today you can buy the different models relating to different styles.
Source: /users/1077
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