How to choose curtains for an apartment?

Curtains came to the interior during the Renaissance, when they performed a decorative function, covering window shutters. Over time, people came to the conclusion that curtains can protect from drafts, dense fabric also absorbs noise. Nevertheless, the main task of curtains is to create coziness and ennobling the home.
The interior decor will not look complete until it has beautifully decorated curtains. But in order to choose the curtains correctly, you need to consider a lot of nuances. Exterior designers say that there are no minor moments when choosing curtains.
For example, if you choose curtains for large spacious rooms, you can pay attention to fabric with a large pattern. If the room is small and with low ceilings, then a fabric with a pattern in a vertical strip can visually raise the ceiling.
If the room is narrow and the ceiling is high, you can slow down your choice on horizontal stripes.
Depends on the choice of curtains and the room for which they are intended. In the bedroom will suit well translucent or transparent curtains, supplemented with curtains of dense fabric. These curtains will protect your sleep in the morning. To make them even more cozy, you can beautifully decorate them with draperies with ruffles, fringe or braid.
If you choose to choose curtains for the guest room, then it will look great curtains with an expressive and rich pattern that can decorate and refresh a large room.
In the nursery, you can hang curtains made of natural materials with bright ornamentation.
In the kitchen, it is better to buy light semi-transparent fabrics that will pass light in large quantities. It is worth noting that for this room you need to choose a fabric that will be easy to wash and resistant to steam.
When decorating windows should take into account the overall style. So, if you like classics, you can choose classic curtains, in a modern version they can combine elements of a variety of styles.
If you are closer to the country style, which looks especially good in the kitchen and in the nursery, you can choose curtains with frills, bows, strings and ribbons. You can combine fabrics with different textures, it will make the colors deeper and richer.
Perhaps your style is strict and elegant, then you can recommend Roman curtains, which have not lost their popularity for many centuries. For their production, a variety of fabrics are used, both dense and heavy, and the finest silk.
They can be combined with lambrequins, and with classic curtains. If you want something extravagant, you can use semicircular Roman curtains. These curtains will perfectly decorate the kitchen window or window in the children's room.
If you want a modern interior, you just need Japanese curtains. They will not only add originality to the design, but also help, if necessary, zoning the room. The peculiarity of these curtains is that it is best to use them on large windows.
You can combine light and heavy fabrics, you can experiment with flowers. Look good and monotonous curtains, and curtains with a pattern, including a large one. Close to Japanese curtains and Chinese, but when sewing them, it is not customary to combine fabrics of various textures and shades. The main element of Chinese curtains is the fabric itself, usually original, with beautiful expensive embroidery or gilding.
Author: Modest Zones.