100 implicit joys of life
1. A ride on the trolley from the supermarket
2. The smell of rain falling on hot asphalt
3. Not to sleep (and not want!) before dawn
4. A hot shower after you for some reason did not wash for a very long time
5. To touch your hair after the haircut
6. Perfect parallel Parking the first time
7. To understand the phrase in a language you don't know. Aerobatics – to respond to it accidentally surfaced in the head with a quote
8. When you blinked hazard that you missed
9. A fridge full of Goodies that are left after the holidays
10. The morning on which you realize that you have rights and you can sit in the car and go to the right place. Himself.
11. When you blink on the road and you have time to slow down before the policeman
12. In the morning when you Wake up and think, damn, it's the hours at work need to be! And the following thought: today is Sunday.
13. Do this one last thing from the pile of small tasks, which are always delayed
14. To come to a stop at precisely the moment when your taxi arrives
15. Santa Claus with a real beard
16. Poking around in my ears with cotton sticks
17. The crunch of snow
18. When the Elevator is on your floor
19. When you've got the store open a new box office and you have time just the first
20. When you're really tired and ready to sleep, perhaps not in the right place and then someone covers you with a blanket
21. Muscle pain after gym
22. Guests front of the parish which do not need to clean the apartment
23. From afar to get right in the trash
24. Is what you were banned when you were a kid
25. Wear what you just bought
26. To drop into the departing train
27. The smell of fresh baking
28. To get into green wave at traffic lights
29. Otkolupyvat sore
30. Wake up an hour before the alarm, to understand that more time and to go to bed again
31. The first to remember from what movie that actor or song
32. When the plane or pool (or both together) finally laid the ear begins to hear
33. After a day to get shoes that are tight
34. When the queue just after you grow to giant size
35. By chance to meet a smell from childhood
36. In the warm evening to stick his hand out of the car
37. To unravel a complicated puzzle in the quest
38. When next you find yourself on a plane two empty seats
39. When you drove the car to a place just at the moment when the radio is over a great song
40. When you managed to squeeze the last bit of paste from the tube hopeless
41. The sound of women's heels on the asphalt, coming in the spring from the open window
42. To get off the plane on the ramp in a warm country (the feeling of warm air in the nose).
43. Again and again listen to the song that you recently liked
44. When you suddenly remember how small was this tree in your childhood
45. To observe the restaurant, after some waiting I carry your order, — until such time as it is on the table
46. To see how the Niners are replaced with zeros on the odometer
47. When your boss left early from work
48. The final seconds of untangling a huge knot
49. When the egg is easy to clean
50. Find at the bottom of the sock drawer, which is suitable for freshly laundered alone instance
51. To sneeze three or more times in a row
52. To talk feet in the water
53. That moment at the concert when the audience realizes what song plays
54. To knock a foot of snow buildup on the bottom of the car in the winter
55. To feel that in the book that you already like very much, there are still many unread pages
56. Until Friday evening to think of Thursday
57. To walk the air pockets on the frozen puddles
58. To fall asleep during takeoff and Wake up during landing of the aircraft
59. To sleep under the open sky
60. Slip and fall
61. To say the same thing a sports commentator, but a second before him
62. Go somewhere at night or on holidays, when the city has no traffic jams
63. SMS-ka that you were waiting
64. Waking up after a very realistic nightmare and realize that it was just a dream
65. Bite cake/muffin/Eclair on the side where the filling is
66. When someone you're Dating, missed more than you
67. Internally nephrogenesis, pick something looks very heavy and massive, and it is easy
68. To read under the covers with a flashlight when it was banned
69. When the pizza that was ordered late in the night, come do immediately
70. When your feet are sucked into the sand in the surf
71. Tearing the protective layer from the screen brand new electronic gadgets
72. To kill the mosquito that's already half an hour buzzing around the ear
73. The moment on holiday when you forget what day of the week
74. Drive that caused the tube
75. When you congratulate on the holiday and the people you don't know.
76. Find hidden options in the things that you already know well
77. When nobody can open any jar or to understand how it works, and you take and you immediately get
78. When you see the window as the plane took off
79. Slip on the bike with the hill, which slowly and painfully rose
80. Get the stick
81. To be in the same row of the tube, which travels faster than any
82. When movie characters appear in the place that you know well
83. To see a squirrel
84. Discover and buy on sale is a thing of dreams in a single instance its size
85. Puncture the membrane of the coffee cans
86. To find money, which you have forgotten
87. Spontaneous repair mechanisms
88. When it comes to the man who stands before you
89. To recall what, in fact, I started this conversation
90. The sound of rain in the tent
91. Drink hot coffee or tea outside in the cold, cold winter
92. When you and she suddenly say something at the same time
93. To bring order to the table after the exam/report/project
94. When the cold bed whither thou dove finally warmed
95. Osenie of euphoria, when a headache that was drilling the brain two days, finally released
96. Accidentally accurately enter your old and long forgotten password
97. Pull the weed with its root
98. When leaving on vacation or a business trip coincides with shutdown of hot water
99. The day when you're absolutely free
100. When something nice is worthy ends. published
Source: talumala.com/ru/interesnaya-zhizn/biblioteka/rasskazy/166-100-neyavnykh-radostej-zhizni