The most unique animals in the world
Mountain goat
Unhappy fish, also called rozovoy bat. Fish — marine, you can even keep in a home aquarium.
But if you come across such an instance, it is possible to death to be scared. By itself, this shark is not so big, grows to 2 metres, but terribly terrible. 100% not photoshop.
Among insects also a lot of interesting samples. In fact, this type is called wasp-German.
this snake)
It lives in the water and on land — amphibian, scientifically called Atretochoana eiselti
Umbonia Spinosa
The beetle feeds on the SAP of plants.
Striped bristly hedgehog
And this hedgehog look like a raccoon).
Azcan common
Unusual butterfly
The mantis shrimp
Despite its funny appearance, this predator of the sea is very treacherous. The mantis shrimp is able to strike the claw with the force of a .22 caliber bullet!
The Venezuelan horned moth.
And this kind of recently discovered
Giant isopod (woodlouse).
Spiny Bush Viper
Blue parrot fish.
The purple frog.
The shoebill
Also known as the Royal Heron.
Giraffe — The Okapi.
In fact it is a tooth that males grow up to 3 meters.
A rather extravagant lizard, named in honor of a pagan deity
Plush cow.
Fish drop
Source: fishki.net/1476026-unikalnye-zhivotnye-v-mire.html

Unhappy fish, also called rozovoy bat. Fish — marine, you can even keep in a home aquarium.

But if you come across such an instance, it is possible to death to be scared. By itself, this shark is not so big, grows to 2 metres, but terribly terrible. 100% not photoshop.

Among insects also a lot of interesting samples. In fact, this type is called wasp-German.

this snake)
It lives in the water and on land — amphibian, scientifically called Atretochoana eiselti

Umbonia Spinosa
The beetle feeds on the SAP of plants.

Striped bristly hedgehog

And this hedgehog look like a raccoon).

Azcan common
Unusual butterfly

The mantis shrimp
Despite its funny appearance, this predator of the sea is very treacherous. The mantis shrimp is able to strike the claw with the force of a .22 caliber bullet!

The Venezuelan horned moth.

And this kind of recently discovered

Giant isopod (woodlouse).


Spiny Bush Viper

Blue parrot fish.

The purple frog.

The shoebill

Also known as the Royal Heron.

Giraffe — The Okapi.


In fact it is a tooth that males grow up to 3 meters.

A rather extravagant lizard, named in honor of a pagan deity


Plush cow.

Fish drop


Source: fishki.net/1476026-unikalnye-zhivotnye-v-mire.html