Will win Phytophthora: choose tomato varieties
No matter how dangerous Phytophthora, a real green thumb enthusiast will never refuse a residence permit on a bed of fragrant tomatoes. Too much of a difference in taste to the purchased and grown on your own tomatoes!
Meanwhile, it seems that the harder we want to get rid of Phytophthora, the more aggressive it becomes. Even a balcony or a greenhouse does not always help to protect plants from this scourge, because Phytophthora mutates constantly. It got to the point that sustainable new selection is not able to resist fungal diseases. However, not all so sad: the new varieties are only old leaves, fruits are healthy and tasty, and the Bush growing hard on.
The highest immunity to the disease in tomatoes, has the closest connections with their wild "relatives", such as the 'Golden Currant' and 'Rote Murmel'. They can say, ideal candidates for open ground, but the fruit small.
But the most favorite lettuce varieties with large fruits, such as ‘Bull's heart’, unfortunately, the least resistant to late blight. These tomatoes are especially in need of "shelter", that is, they need a canopy which will protect the plant from rain, because in wet weather the disease is gaining momentum.
Completely different qualities of specially bred varieties such as‘Primabella’ and ‘Primavera’, or ‘Resi’, which are intended for growing in open ground. They were tested for resistance to late blight in different regions and in different conditions for many years. The result showed that even with moderate fertilizer and watering the plants of these varieties give a good yield and remain healthy.
From ripening in the sun tomato a unique taste and aroma. Varietal plants intended for cultivation in the open field, the harvest yield from mid-July until September, even if the summer periodically takes weekend.
Tomatoes come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. And if you choose the right variety, the tomatoes will become a pleasure.
Put the tomatoes directly in the package substrate. Choose a low-growing varieties.
Perfect partners for tomato in the same bed — herbs and medicinal plants. Borage, for example, allocates saponin — a substance that stimulates the growth of roots. Comfrey and nettles can be used for mulching: decaying, their leaves and stems, strengthen the immune system tomato bushes due to the iron content.
With watering and fertilizing tomatoes should be careful: if you overdo it, then they produce more leaves than flowers, and the harvest, as the flavor of tomatoes, disappoint. But a sense of proportion depends on soil type. So, the clay contains more water and nutrients than sand. Alternatively, select 1-2 plants and feed them only a little or do not apply fertilizer, while others provide good nutrition. So you will understand exactly under what conditions the tomatoes are especially flavorful and will surprise the quantity and quality of the crop. And as in any experiment, the result needs to be tested. And with such a delicious "Guinea pig" agree, it's a pleasure! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru

Meanwhile, it seems that the harder we want to get rid of Phytophthora, the more aggressive it becomes. Even a balcony or a greenhouse does not always help to protect plants from this scourge, because Phytophthora mutates constantly. It got to the point that sustainable new selection is not able to resist fungal diseases. However, not all so sad: the new varieties are only old leaves, fruits are healthy and tasty, and the Bush growing hard on.
The highest immunity to the disease in tomatoes, has the closest connections with their wild "relatives", such as the 'Golden Currant' and 'Rote Murmel'. They can say, ideal candidates for open ground, but the fruit small.
But the most favorite lettuce varieties with large fruits, such as ‘Bull's heart’, unfortunately, the least resistant to late blight. These tomatoes are especially in need of "shelter", that is, they need a canopy which will protect the plant from rain, because in wet weather the disease is gaining momentum.
Completely different qualities of specially bred varieties such as‘Primabella’ and ‘Primavera’, or ‘Resi’, which are intended for growing in open ground. They were tested for resistance to late blight in different regions and in different conditions for many years. The result showed that even with moderate fertilizer and watering the plants of these varieties give a good yield and remain healthy.
From ripening in the sun tomato a unique taste and aroma. Varietal plants intended for cultivation in the open field, the harvest yield from mid-July until September, even if the summer periodically takes weekend.

Tomatoes come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. And if you choose the right variety, the tomatoes will become a pleasure.
- The yellow pear-shaped fruits of tomato ‘Yellow Submarine’ only weigh 15 g. But their taste will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of this heat-loving vegetable.
- In tomato ‘Tommacio’ the fruit is small, but a lot of them. Tomatoes can be collected individually or in whole bunches.
- Bush tomatoes, for example‘Pendulina Orange’ and ‘Ida Gold’, are ideal for growing in boxes and hanging planters.
- Black fruits tomatoes like ‘Indigo Rose’, ‘Black Russian’ or ‘Black Cherry’, a dense rind and a sour fruity taste.
- ‘Banana Legs’ is one of the most productive tomatoes of old varieties.
- ‘Yellow Pearshaped’ — early variety with numerous sweet fruits pear shaped.
- ‘Bull's heart’ — late maturing tomato. The rind of the fruit is thin, aromatic pulp of the fully ripe fruit is not very juicy.
- ‘Sacher’ with mouth-watering fruits with glossy dark brown shell called a chocolate tomato.
Put the tomatoes directly in the package substrate. Choose a low-growing varieties.
Perfect partners for tomato in the same bed — herbs and medicinal plants. Borage, for example, allocates saponin — a substance that stimulates the growth of roots. Comfrey and nettles can be used for mulching: decaying, their leaves and stems, strengthen the immune system tomato bushes due to the iron content.
With watering and fertilizing tomatoes should be careful: if you overdo it, then they produce more leaves than flowers, and the harvest, as the flavor of tomatoes, disappoint. But a sense of proportion depends on soil type. So, the clay contains more water and nutrients than sand. Alternatively, select 1-2 plants and feed them only a little or do not apply fertilizer, while others provide good nutrition. So you will understand exactly under what conditions the tomatoes are especially flavorful and will surprise the quantity and quality of the crop. And as in any experiment, the result needs to be tested. And with such a delicious "Guinea pig" agree, it's a pleasure! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru
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