Preparation for rest: what to take?

Charges on the road can be a real problem, especially for women: how to pack a whole wardrobe in a couple of suitcases, grab cosmetics, self-care products and many more such necessary things! But a systematic approach allows you to pack your suitcases calmly and quickly.


Going on a trip, study the weather forecast, the climate in the place where you are going. Thus, it will be easier for you to orient what kind of clothes you should take to feel comfortable.

It is useful to think through your wardrobe for every day, and do it in detail: to each along choose shoes and accessories. Just great, if all the things you plan to take with you are combined with each other, i.e. make up a capsule - then you will not have problems with the combination.

To make the most of the space of a suitcase or travel bag, stack things in flat stacks. You can pack them in vacuum bags. Put thin knitwear on top - so it will doubt less on the road. You should wear jeans and sneakers: on the way you will be comfortable in them, and the space in the suitcase these items take up too much.

Pack your shoes in plastic pacts: each pair separately. Inexpensive little things for a beach holiday is better to buy on arrival at the place, rather than carry with you. Lastly, pack your underwear. Take only those things that you really can not do without.

Pack the most valuable items of wardrobe and other things in the middle of the bag or suitcase: so you reduce the likelihood of their damage on the road.

Jewelry is reasonable to place in a case for storing medicines or in a box for needlework, but jewelry is better put in a handbag, which will always be with you.

Before packing your suitcase, make a list of necessary items. Photo:

Don’t forget the important things you will need on your trip. You can make a list that will allow you not to forget anything in the bustle of fees. It could be something like this:

- personal documents;
vouchers and other documents confirming the right of your residence in the place where you are going to rest;
Bank cards, credit cards and cash. It is better to take care that at least part of the money was in the currency that has circulation in the place of your holiday;
Contact addresses and telephone numbers that may be needed and useful.

Be sure to bring a minimum set of medications. Photo:

Do not forget about the minimum gadgets that you plan to take on the road. These could be:

mobile phones with chargers;
camera and/or video camera;
- tablet computer or laptop;
- Headphones;
A compact model of a hair dryer, which is convenient to take on the road.

Be sure to bring a minimum set of medicines so that in emergency cases you do not have to look for the necessary medicines in local pharmacies. Firstly, they may not be there, and secondly, they can be released only by prescription of a doctor, which you will not have.

The approximate list of medications may be as follows:

painkillers that help with pain of various origins;
- Band-aids;
- iodine and green in the form of a pencil;
- means to relieve the heat;
- a universal drug for allergies;
Panthenol and its modifications to eliminate skin problems;
- antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action;
your usual medications that need to be taken regularly
- motion sickness drug.

Of cosmetics, it makes sense to take with you, in addition to decorative cosmetics, the following:

- wet cleaning wipes;
- intimate hygiene items;
- familiar to you means for hair removal or depilation;
- toothbrush and paste;
- deodorant;
- lip balm and sunscreen.

It is good that during the training the list of things you need was always before your eyes - then the chances of forgetting something very important will be reduced to zero.

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!



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