Don't be manipulated! How we deceive daily

As we are daily deceived? It is necessary to know, not to be deceived and not be subject to manipulation.
1. The rule of reciprocal exchange.
Explanation: the manipulator offers you a "gift", and then offer something to buy, or to take a specific action. The automatic reaction makes you accept his offer, even if your cost is clearly inadequate to his gift.
Example: the hare Krishnas on the street will not directly ask for donations – they first give you a flower or a book (totally unnecessary for you), and then say that in response you can thank them by making a donation.
2. The agreement on concession.
Method of manipulation: the manipulator puts forward clearly excessive claim, but then "agrees to assign", with its purpose – just a second, softer demand. You feel the need to agree (based on the rules of mutual exchange), because you did the service and gave.
Example: the expensive stores first put inflated prices, and then announces discounts.
3. Commitment and consistency.
Explanation: you are being encouraged to do something, the logical continuation of which will later act that is desirable for the manipulator.
Example: filling out the questionnaire "I would have bought this product at such a value," test drive the car assumes its subsequent purchase, issuance of badges before the election, "I vote for Ivanov," etc.
4. The principle of social proof
Explanation: According to this principle, we believe the correct behavior, which often exhibit other people in a similar situation.
Example: the phrase in the advertisement: "millions of people have already tried product X", "hundreds of reviews on our website," etc.
5. Favor
Explanation: we most likely agree to fulfill the requirements of those we know or who we like.
Example: the seller some unnecessary stuff says: "Your friend Ivanov advised me to contact You". In advertising specifically use only beautiful and famous.
6. Obedience to authority
Explanation: the person in the process of training laid the habit of obedience to authority, and this habit is very persistent, and completely unconscious.
Example: Dr. house is touting a cure or something to do with medicine. Although the actor does not understand the medicine, many will be stupid to follow his "authoritative" Board.
7. The principle of scarcity
Explanation: something that is rare or inaccessible, has in our eyes the value, the more, the more it is scarce. People are also more inclined to avoid the loss of already existing, than to buy new.
Example: "who will pay for training up to 12 hours will receive a discount of 25%", the number of new iphone 5 are limited – you can raise the price two or three times. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/feed?w=wall-33080201_78289
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