Dangerous moles
A mole arises if a cluster of melanocytes - pigment-forming cells occurs on some part of the skin. This is why most moles are brown or even black, but in rare cases they can turn red or even blue. The tendency to form moles is inherited, but their number is due to hours spent in the sun without special protection in childhood and young age. Hormonal changes in the body, such as during pregnancy, can also cause moles.
By themselves, moles do not pose any danger to health, since they are benign formations. But some of them are composed mostly of atypical cells and can cause skin cancer. They are characterized by the following features:
- Asymmetry
- Blurred outlines
- A few flowers.
- Big size
- Modification over time.
Every person who has a lot of moles on the body - 40 or more - should regularly consult a doctor so that he can monitor the condition of the patient's skin. The expert eye is able to recognize dangerous changes almost immediately. At the same time, do not panic if any of the moles seem suspicious to the doctor. His proposed removal of a mole is just cancer prevention, and does not mean that oncology has already begun to affect the body.
The method of removing suspicious moles depends on their size. Small ones can be eliminated by removing tissue with a large needle, but large ones will have to be cut with a scalpel, stitching the edges of the wound formed. The previously common method of removing moles with a laser can only be recommended for those who pursue purely cosmetic purposes. Cells burned under a laser beam cannot be examined for malignancy, which means it is easy to miss the possible onset of cancer. And what exactly should not be done is to try to remove a suspicious mole on your own. This is fraught not only with ugly scars, but the danger of introducing a life-threatening infection into the deep layers of the skin.
After removing the mole, it is worth giving up sports for 2 weeks and avoiding contact with water, after which you can return to the usual healthy lifestyle, not forgetting to control the condition of the remaining moles.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!