Bold theories of Glenn Doman: "useless" emotions and early development
Among the many teaching methods can distinguish both useful and absurd. The program, designed by the famous American physician neurophysiologist Glenn Domana, belong to both categories.
What famous Glenn Doman
Fortieth years of the XX century has brought the world many new developments, one of which was the method of learning Glenn Doman. The young doctor together with a few colleagues-enthusiasts dealt with the problem of adaptation of children with brain and Central nervous system. The proposed method was a breakthrough, because the children, who had no chance of independent existence, thanks to the efforts of Professor began to speak, to read, count and even ahead of their peers in terms of development.
Scientist never tired of repeating that the child's brain is like a computer, it is necessary to constantly upload information, then only it will develop and grow. Gomanom founded in 1955, the Institute for human development has helped hundreds of children. Professionals under the leadership of a talented neuroscientist has developed a technique, still used around the world, and the researcher received several major awards for services to the children of the world.
Photo:http://malenkajastrana.my1.EN Over the years, Glenn Doman has formed the principles of teaching children reading, math, science and several other Sciences. Point for the method was a system of cards with images and text on them.
Doman offered daily (at same time) for 5-10 seconds to show the child cards from different sets, gradually increasing their number and increasing the amount of information presented on each of them.
For example, on the first day of training, you can choose five cards with body parts and show them to the child three times a day, calling what is depicted on the card. On the second day of the same cards you should add another five, and the number of impressions to increase up to six times. Gradually the need to increase the number of cards to 25 pieces, and the number of impressions up to 15 times. Then, by adding new words and pictures, the deletion has been studied.
As they grow older the child to the names of images it is recommended to add descriptions, complicating them. So, showing the image of a monkey, at first it is enough to tell that the animal pictured on the card. When the child reaches a year, it is possible to tell about Africa and its inhabitants.
Doman did not focus only on mental but also on physical development of the child. Physician-neuroscientist has developed a special track for crawling, where the infant was encouraged to spend up to six hours a day, including during sleep. Children trained to crawl on the track, began to actively travel to four months.
Methods of education at home was a success, but opponents condemned the theory of the researcher. Criticized the version of the doctor that children do not need toys. The Professor was accused of trying to deprive kids of childhood. Although the true meaning of his statements was as follows: the child wants to play, he seeks to understand the world and the best that parents can do, instead of useless toys, buy baby developmental game. Of course, the methods of Doman, there are many positive aspects. If you strictly follow the principles of learning, the results are striking: a child will learn a huge number of words and concepts before their peers begin to crawl, to talk, to read. In addition, he will be more disciplined and learn to master a large amount of knowledge.
However, there is the methodology of doctor-neurophysiologist and pitfalls. First, the child is not a machine, he is a bad mood, and poor health. That is, the baby may not always perceive the information, and according to the theory Doman, interrupt the class is not to teach the offspring on a daily basis.
Second, the card offered in the standard set, quickly come to an end, and the life of the parents turns into a race, because every day need to produce new manuals for training. vid1 ---- thirdly, the technique is based on the fact that the child only remembers the information. There is a risk that to apply knowledge in practice, to analyze and to take the initiative, he can not.
And finally, training does not imply "useless" emotions. Doman suggests to praise your child only for achievements.
Fans of the Doman methods do not forget that it was designed for boys and girls with developmental disabilities. Therefore, to apply a similar education system to all children without exception – is inappropriate. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: letidor.ru/article/protivorechivye-metodiki-glenn_158914/
What famous Glenn Doman
Fortieth years of the XX century has brought the world many new developments, one of which was the method of learning Glenn Doman. The young doctor together with a few colleagues-enthusiasts dealt with the problem of adaptation of children with brain and Central nervous system. The proposed method was a breakthrough, because the children, who had no chance of independent existence, thanks to the efforts of Professor began to speak, to read, count and even ahead of their peers in terms of development.
Scientist never tired of repeating that the child's brain is like a computer, it is necessary to constantly upload information, then only it will develop and grow. Gomanom founded in 1955, the Institute for human development has helped hundreds of children. Professionals under the leadership of a talented neuroscientist has developed a technique, still used around the world, and the researcher received several major awards for services to the children of the world.
Photo:http://malenkajastrana.my1.EN Over the years, Glenn Doman has formed the principles of teaching children reading, math, science and several other Sciences. Point for the method was a system of cards with images and text on them.
Doman offered daily (at same time) for 5-10 seconds to show the child cards from different sets, gradually increasing their number and increasing the amount of information presented on each of them.
For example, on the first day of training, you can choose five cards with body parts and show them to the child three times a day, calling what is depicted on the card. On the second day of the same cards you should add another five, and the number of impressions to increase up to six times. Gradually the need to increase the number of cards to 25 pieces, and the number of impressions up to 15 times. Then, by adding new words and pictures, the deletion has been studied.
As they grow older the child to the names of images it is recommended to add descriptions, complicating them. So, showing the image of a monkey, at first it is enough to tell that the animal pictured on the card. When the child reaches a year, it is possible to tell about Africa and its inhabitants.
Doman did not focus only on mental but also on physical development of the child. Physician-neuroscientist has developed a special track for crawling, where the infant was encouraged to spend up to six hours a day, including during sleep. Children trained to crawl on the track, began to actively travel to four months.
Methods of education at home was a success, but opponents condemned the theory of the researcher. Criticized the version of the doctor that children do not need toys. The Professor was accused of trying to deprive kids of childhood. Although the true meaning of his statements was as follows: the child wants to play, he seeks to understand the world and the best that parents can do, instead of useless toys, buy baby developmental game. Of course, the methods of Doman, there are many positive aspects. If you strictly follow the principles of learning, the results are striking: a child will learn a huge number of words and concepts before their peers begin to crawl, to talk, to read. In addition, he will be more disciplined and learn to master a large amount of knowledge.
However, there is the methodology of doctor-neurophysiologist and pitfalls. First, the child is not a machine, he is a bad mood, and poor health. That is, the baby may not always perceive the information, and according to the theory Doman, interrupt the class is not to teach the offspring on a daily basis.
Second, the card offered in the standard set, quickly come to an end, and the life of the parents turns into a race, because every day need to produce new manuals for training. vid1 ---- thirdly, the technique is based on the fact that the child only remembers the information. There is a risk that to apply knowledge in practice, to analyze and to take the initiative, he can not.
And finally, training does not imply "useless" emotions. Doman suggests to praise your child only for achievements.
Fans of the Doman methods do not forget that it was designed for boys and girls with developmental disabilities. Therefore, to apply a similar education system to all children without exception – is inappropriate. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: letidor.ru/article/protivorechivye-metodiki-glenn_158914/
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