9 stories of success born from failure
It is time to eradicate from your brain defeatism! Of course, there are things that can be done. For example, if you have no fairy dust fairies, you are unlikely to learn to fly. The rest is in your hands, but if you begin to treat the drops as an opportunity to learn something. But if you take failures as the end, then you're weak. It is impossible to achieve something if all the time to give up. Don't give up, you need to fall and rise.
Here are some examples of failures that will inspire you to continue to fail and never give up.
1. John.To.Роулинг
JK Rowling, author of novels about Harry Potter, worked as a waitress and lived off welfare when she began writing the first book in the series, which has become one of the most popular in the history of mankind. Her book was rejected by dozens of publishers. In the end, it was published, but because it is the General Director of the publishing house persuaded his eight year old daughter.
“Failure is a great way to get rid of all the excess”
2. Michael Джордан
This may come as a surprise, but the man who became the best in the history of basketball player was not able to get into your school team.
“I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was trusted to make the crucial shot that could bring victory to my team, and I missed. I suffered in my life so many defeats. And thanks to that I succeeded”
3. Thomas Эдисон
Thomas Edison had hearing problems and nerves. He went to school for only three months. His teacher said he was "too stupid to actually learn something". In the end, he began to study at home with his mother. Talking about how he invented the lightbulb, he said
“I had no setbacks. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work”
4. James Карвилл
During the presidential campaign of 1992, there was no bigger superstar than the assistant of bill Clinton, James Carville. With his bald head, snake-like facial features and a strong Louisiana accent, he was like a character from the movie "Zone of Twilight" (Twilight Zone)!
Today he is considered one of the best politicians of his generation. But before to work on the fateful campaign, he in his 40 years was without a penny in his pocket, without proper experience and could not even issue a Bank credit card. From the side it looked like an absolute loser. But he did not give up and, in the end, turned out to be in the White House.
"No one will ever be able to accuse James Carville that he take itself too seriously"
5. Ludwig van Бетховен
His early aptitude for music and the violin and no one was impressed. Teachers thought he was hopeless. But Ludwig's father saw his potential and himself undertook his education. Over time, Beethoven gradually lost his hearing and wrote four of his greatest works after being completely deaf.
"Thank God, Beethoven can write music, because that's all he's able"
6. Christopher Рив
When the actor who played Superman, was paralyzed, it was not irony, but tragedy. He was never able to learn to enjoy his position – and who in his place could? But he learned to live with it.
“In the morning, I need twenty minutes to cry on, come to terms with what I lost, and in the end say to yourself: and now, forward!”
Every day he had to spend a few minutes to accept what he was and in what situation. But he didn't let himself stop. Despite his injury, Christopher Reeve traveled, spoke on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries, raising money for charities and even became a Director. He learned to be content with what he had, and to use this to help others.
7. Oprah Уинфри
She had a terrible childhood, full of violence and extreme poverty. But like most successful people, Oprah is not stopped.
"I never thought of myself as poor girl from the ghetto who managed to achieve something. I consider myself a person who from an early age knew that he is responsible for his life and needs to achieve something”
8. Vincent van Гог
A great painter suffered from manic-depressive psychosis. Most of the time he could barely function. He never found success during his lifetime, but today his works are among the great works of art throughout the world. Because of this, his name became a symbol of the struggle for unrecognized artists around the world.
"I know I can make mistakes, but it does not save me from them anyway to make. I only rise when you fall"
9. Oscar Уайльд
Wilde, British playwright and satirist, was a homosexual in those times, when it could be put behind bars. And so it happened. Unlike all the previous heroes, Oscar Wilde was born into a privileged family. He gained fame during his life, but died an early death as a consequence of his imprisonment. We must not forget that he was willing rather to lose everything – and it did – than to pretend to be someone he was not. And despite everything, he never lost his sense of humor.
"Life is too important a thing to talk seriously about it"
And finally another famous phrase of Michael Jordan:
"Some want something to happen, others dream about it, and some just take and make it happen."published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/11381-9-istorij-ob-uspexe-rodivshemsya-iz-neudach.html#main..
Here are some examples of failures that will inspire you to continue to fail and never give up.
1. John.To.Роулинг

JK Rowling, author of novels about Harry Potter, worked as a waitress and lived off welfare when she began writing the first book in the series, which has become one of the most popular in the history of mankind. Her book was rejected by dozens of publishers. In the end, it was published, but because it is the General Director of the publishing house persuaded his eight year old daughter.
“Failure is a great way to get rid of all the excess”
2. Michael Джордан

This may come as a surprise, but the man who became the best in the history of basketball player was not able to get into your school team.
“I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was trusted to make the crucial shot that could bring victory to my team, and I missed. I suffered in my life so many defeats. And thanks to that I succeeded”
3. Thomas Эдисон

Thomas Edison had hearing problems and nerves. He went to school for only three months. His teacher said he was "too stupid to actually learn something". In the end, he began to study at home with his mother. Talking about how he invented the lightbulb, he said
“I had no setbacks. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work”
4. James Карвилл

During the presidential campaign of 1992, there was no bigger superstar than the assistant of bill Clinton, James Carville. With his bald head, snake-like facial features and a strong Louisiana accent, he was like a character from the movie "Zone of Twilight" (Twilight Zone)!
Today he is considered one of the best politicians of his generation. But before to work on the fateful campaign, he in his 40 years was without a penny in his pocket, without proper experience and could not even issue a Bank credit card. From the side it looked like an absolute loser. But he did not give up and, in the end, turned out to be in the White House.
"No one will ever be able to accuse James Carville that he take itself too seriously"
5. Ludwig van Бетховен

His early aptitude for music and the violin and no one was impressed. Teachers thought he was hopeless. But Ludwig's father saw his potential and himself undertook his education. Over time, Beethoven gradually lost his hearing and wrote four of his greatest works after being completely deaf.
"Thank God, Beethoven can write music, because that's all he's able"
6. Christopher Рив

When the actor who played Superman, was paralyzed, it was not irony, but tragedy. He was never able to learn to enjoy his position – and who in his place could? But he learned to live with it.
“In the morning, I need twenty minutes to cry on, come to terms with what I lost, and in the end say to yourself: and now, forward!”
Every day he had to spend a few minutes to accept what he was and in what situation. But he didn't let himself stop. Despite his injury, Christopher Reeve traveled, spoke on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries, raising money for charities and even became a Director. He learned to be content with what he had, and to use this to help others.
7. Oprah Уинфри

She had a terrible childhood, full of violence and extreme poverty. But like most successful people, Oprah is not stopped.
"I never thought of myself as poor girl from the ghetto who managed to achieve something. I consider myself a person who from an early age knew that he is responsible for his life and needs to achieve something”
8. Vincent van Гог

A great painter suffered from manic-depressive psychosis. Most of the time he could barely function. He never found success during his lifetime, but today his works are among the great works of art throughout the world. Because of this, his name became a symbol of the struggle for unrecognized artists around the world.
"I know I can make mistakes, but it does not save me from them anyway to make. I only rise when you fall"
9. Oscar Уайльд

Wilde, British playwright and satirist, was a homosexual in those times, when it could be put behind bars. And so it happened. Unlike all the previous heroes, Oscar Wilde was born into a privileged family. He gained fame during his life, but died an early death as a consequence of his imprisonment. We must not forget that he was willing rather to lose everything – and it did – than to pretend to be someone he was not. And despite everything, he never lost his sense of humor.
"Life is too important a thing to talk seriously about it"
And finally another famous phrase of Michael Jordan:
"Some want something to happen, others dream about it, and some just take and make it happen."published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/11381-9-istorij-ob-uspexe-rodivshemsya-iz-neudach.html#main..