Only 6% of people can pass this erudition test
Pew Research Center has developed a test for erudition, the purpose of which is to find out whether adults remember the structure of our world even what they were taught in school.
Turns out most people don't remember a damn thing! Only 6% of Americans were able to answer all the questions of this test. 86% of respondents were able to answer only the simplest, first questions.
Only 73% understand the difference between astronomy and astrology. Only 34% of Americans answered the question about the boiling point of water.
How many correct answers will you give?
Do you think you won’t be ashamed at the end? Share your results with us in the comments!
Source: lifter.com.ua/Tolko-6-lyudey-mogut-proyti-etot-test-na-eruditsiyu
Turns out most people don't remember a damn thing! Only 6% of Americans were able to answer all the questions of this test. 86% of respondents were able to answer only the simplest, first questions.
Only 73% understand the difference between astronomy and astrology. Only 34% of Americans answered the question about the boiling point of water.
How many correct answers will you give?
Do you think you won’t be ashamed at the end? Share your results with us in the comments!
Source: lifter.com.ua/Tolko-6-lyudey-mogut-proyti-etot-test-na-eruditsiyu