Do I have to do pruning rose bushes before winter?
Individual approachIf wild rose is quite nice to stand the cold, without pruning, a rose garden without it can stop flowering and shoot growth will slow down. Making pruning old branches, you provide stimulation for the emergence of new shoots, large flowers, thick foliage. If spring pruning helps to shape a beautiful Bush, fall pruning ensures shoots more sun, increasing their frost resistance and strengthens the skin. Thus, next year your shrub will be much more beautiful buds.
Trim should only planted saplings, and growing in the garden
Rules of execution of pruningpruning in the fall is directly in front of the shelter roses for winter. Moreover, the crop should be planted just saplings, and growing in the garden. You will need to cut out the parts not ripe shoots, diseased and weak stems, buds, leaves, and flowers. The rose bushes need to leave only 3-5 of the most developed and strongest shoots, and growing inside and close to eliminate.
If wild rose is quite nice to stand the cold, not needing pruning, garden roses may stop blooming
If in the winter to leave all stems and not cut them, they'll rot under the shelter, and even infect other plants by a fungus. After cutting the shoots in the earth cannot keep. They need to collect and burn to prevent the development of bacteria. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
How to do pruning of roses (video)http://videochart.net/framevideo/26797.2f9523cbf0ab7115cee5b75272fe?key=35373663
Source: dachadecor.ru/otveti-na-voprosi/obyazatelno-li-delat-obrezku-kustov-roz-pod-zimu

Trim should only planted saplings, and growing in the garden
Rules of execution of pruningpruning in the fall is directly in front of the shelter roses for winter. Moreover, the crop should be planted just saplings, and growing in the garden. You will need to cut out the parts not ripe shoots, diseased and weak stems, buds, leaves, and flowers. The rose bushes need to leave only 3-5 of the most developed and strongest shoots, and growing inside and close to eliminate.

If wild rose is quite nice to stand the cold, not needing pruning, garden roses may stop blooming
If in the winter to leave all stems and not cut them, they'll rot under the shelter, and even infect other plants by a fungus. After cutting the shoots in the earth cannot keep. They need to collect and burn to prevent the development of bacteria. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
How to do pruning of roses (video)http://videochart.net/framevideo/26797.2f9523cbf0ab7115cee5b75272fe?key=35373663
Source: dachadecor.ru/otveti-na-voprosi/obyazatelno-li-delat-obrezku-kustov-roz-pod-zimu