What muscles work while swimming
Swimming is one of the best exercises to maintain General physical condition of the entire body. Swimming helps a person to recover and strengthen your posture.
In addition, this activity improves the cardiovascular system, which is beneficial to General human health, because of this, it would be appropriate to include swimming in the workout plan heart.
Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this physical activity, when a person is in the water. Swimming has a positive influence on blood circulation, increases lung capacity, improves respiratory muscles. This is one of the few physical activities which fully involve in the work whole body.
In addition, if you want to lose weight, exercise in the pool will do you good, as swimming speeds up the metabolism in the human body, accelerating the burning of excess fat. Exercising in the pool, you can burn up to 750 Calories in one hour, all, of course, depends on what style of navigation you use, how much do you weigh, how fast you swim and so on. For example, a person weighing 60 kilograms fast swimming the breaststroke can burn up to 490 Calories per hour, whereas a person weighing 80 kilograms, will burn 650 Kcal.
Also, with regular training in the pool increases the overall endurance of the athlete, bringing all the muscles, strengthens them and promotes the extension of the shoulder girdle. In addition, exercise in the water excellent help to strengthen nervous system, improve appetite and improve sleep quality. In addition, water gravity load on the spine is significantly reduced as the body to be in a weightless condition. This allows you to improve your posture in man and to strengthen the back muscles.
During the voyage there is an alternation of muscle groups that are utilized when performing movements, i.e. the tension and relaxation of individual muscles. In water, the person actively engages the legs, this has a positive effect on reducing the volume of the thighs and strengthens the muscles of the legs.
In General, when sailing works biceps, triceps, deltoid muscles of the shoulder, the flexors of the fingers, the neck muscles, pectorals, serratus front, wide and so on. As we have said, the work involved the whole body.
However, the load on different muscle groups different, it all depends on what style of navigation you use. For example, if you "freestyle" a heavy load get the best and muscles. The brass I load is accented by large round muscles of a back. If you take, for example, the style "butterfly", it has a large emphasis is on the legs, namely: the muscles of the pelvic girdle, the thigh muscles, calf muscles and foot muscles, and also arms.published
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Source: buildbody.org.ua/poleznoe/kakie-myshcy-rabotayut-pri-plavanii
In addition, this activity improves the cardiovascular system, which is beneficial to General human health, because of this, it would be appropriate to include swimming in the workout plan heart.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this physical activity, when a person is in the water. Swimming has a positive influence on blood circulation, increases lung capacity, improves respiratory muscles. This is one of the few physical activities which fully involve in the work whole body.

In addition, if you want to lose weight, exercise in the pool will do you good, as swimming speeds up the metabolism in the human body, accelerating the burning of excess fat. Exercising in the pool, you can burn up to 750 Calories in one hour, all, of course, depends on what style of navigation you use, how much do you weigh, how fast you swim and so on. For example, a person weighing 60 kilograms fast swimming the breaststroke can burn up to 490 Calories per hour, whereas a person weighing 80 kilograms, will burn 650 Kcal.

Also, with regular training in the pool increases the overall endurance of the athlete, bringing all the muscles, strengthens them and promotes the extension of the shoulder girdle. In addition, exercise in the water excellent help to strengthen nervous system, improve appetite and improve sleep quality. In addition, water gravity load on the spine is significantly reduced as the body to be in a weightless condition. This allows you to improve your posture in man and to strengthen the back muscles.

During the voyage there is an alternation of muscle groups that are utilized when performing movements, i.e. the tension and relaxation of individual muscles. In water, the person actively engages the legs, this has a positive effect on reducing the volume of the thighs and strengthens the muscles of the legs.
In General, when sailing works biceps, triceps, deltoid muscles of the shoulder, the flexors of the fingers, the neck muscles, pectorals, serratus front, wide and so on. As we have said, the work involved the whole body.
However, the load on different muscle groups different, it all depends on what style of navigation you use. For example, if you "freestyle" a heavy load get the best and muscles. The brass I load is accented by large round muscles of a back. If you take, for example, the style "butterfly", it has a large emphasis is on the legs, namely: the muscles of the pelvic girdle, the thigh muscles, calf muscles and foot muscles, and also arms.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: buildbody.org.ua/poleznoe/kakie-myshcy-rabotayut-pri-plavanii