How not to succumb to a mere manipulation
We live in an amazing time. When another man could cross the ocean in just a few hours, go to the global information network using the size of your palm, watch a movie by artificial satellite of the Earth, with great speed rotates in orbit around our planet, never starve thanks to genetically modified plants... And then go to an astrologer and pay a round sum to know whether the stars agreed to increase wages this month or not. Prohindeyskaya to worship a guru, to tell him all as it is God's will.
The gap between knowledge and ignorance within one society has never been greater. Well-known contemporary biologist A. Markov wrote that mysticism is a natural human characteristic, it detected even the other great apes. To exclude spirituality from their picture of the world, lot to try and exert mental effort. It's not easy. After all, the Internet and other media are filled with people who are able to manipulate you easily. For this purpose they use a variety of methods that we consider. Reading this, you probably will not remember one case from my experience.
1) True-false statements. Usually an approval is taken very., from the realm of science, beyond the understanding of the target audience, to give weight to the second statement. Example:
— As you know, our universe was born from space-time singularity – point of infinite density.
What follows is a false statement, allegedly associated with the first causality. In fact, no connection there, but this nuance is usually overlooked. Example:
— ...Therefore God exists!
Skillfully used this scheme humanitarian figures. Modern Russian philosopher and culturologist Mikhail Epstein uses the same technique of influence on the unenlightened audience: “Modern science much more than science of the nineteenth century, a belief in the creation of the world and the immortality of the soul... the Age of electronic communications reminds us that the transfer of information is not associated with a specific material carrier of a soul can be immortal. Harder to imagine a world without God – this is the main conclusion of the whole tecnomasio of mankind.”
To trace the falsity of these syllogisms, you need to have at least a basic scientific knowledge and critical thinking. Because people are usually books not read (busy as all the people, what books, I have a job and three children), then knock him off stride easy. Treated with education and self-education of a wide circle, solve simple problems in formal logic.
2) Emotional arguments. A little easier than in the first case. Designed for emotionally labile individuals who intuitively believe that the world corresponds to their perceptions of good and bad. Example:
— Belief in God is inherent in every normal person!
Well, this is a soft example. By the way, is taken from the bulldozer, and to paraphrase the phrase of Boris Grebenshchikov, in one of his interviews. Usually authors go from the negative. For example, “Russian man is drinking because he departed from the faith” or“your children begin to smoke because they were raised without spirituality”.
The scheme is very simple: positiveness the approval of authority figures whose work or activities you love for granted. Or, if the person is not so known, she usually resorts to emotional anchors (national pride, identity among “others”, children, etc.) on which hang the false allegations, passing of a critical mind cut to the ill consumer.
Is treated by raising the level of critical thinking and analysis of claims under the bricks. What do you mean by spirituality? How this factor could prevent the Russian people drink? Usually such issues nobody would argue, simply blamed on a lack of spirituality.
3) Knowingly inaccurate statements. This is really for “dummies”. But it works great with half the country, if not more. Designed for the absence of even a minimal level of competence. Usually mated with the infamous “British scientists have proved it.” Example:
— Scientists have proved that at the time of death the person becomes lighter by 10 grams. Therefore, it departs from the soul.
Each newborn baby has a Fontanelle on top. It is not obvious evidence of the origin of the human race from aliens settled on Earth in ancient times.
Cured by education and change of social circle.
4) Dixit, acting on ego and a sense of belonging. Known to every psychologist a tool of influence. Example:
— In our time, no intelligent person can any longer doubt that homeopathy works.
Everyone is ignorant and narcissistic people like, when it is referred to smart, experienced, knowledgeable life. So these passages are swinging.
— All educated people are well aware that GMOs cause mutations at the cellular level, and cancer.
To stop believing such statements, we need principled, in my opinion, changing personal orientation. Well, education, of course.
Once the science was in Bud, and the gods lived on the nearest high mountain. Then, in the course of development of the terrestrial space, God is settled in heaven. And when the heavens ceased to be a mystery, the Creator had to move to a more remote region. Now, with the progress of theoretical physics, God and any other imaginary beings, you can settle in other dimensions or parallel universes, and it would sound very reasonable and authoritative. Especially against the background of chewing snot, which usually distinguishes the scientists from the charlatans. The scientist mumbles incoherently: “We believe... Have a theory...”, quack clearly says: “Believe me, I know.” Understand what believe more mass.
Of course science doesn't know everything now, and hardly ever will know. And some scientists – the authors of popular science books and leading gear sin that deliberately deny everything that is currently impossible to prove in a scientific way. Even if empirical experience shows that it works. But if science fails to explain something, not because of the perfection of the scientific method in General, and for the same reason it was impossible in the 15th century to make a spectral analysis of light of distant stars, and in the 19th – to decipher the genetic code of a living being.
The great discoveries in our history have made, as a rule, those whose scientific thinking was combined with unfettered flight of fancy and unconventional view of the world. We can only hope that this combination will become over time to meet more often. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: mindness.ru/manipulations/

The gap between knowledge and ignorance within one society has never been greater. Well-known contemporary biologist A. Markov wrote that mysticism is a natural human characteristic, it detected even the other great apes. To exclude spirituality from their picture of the world, lot to try and exert mental effort. It's not easy. After all, the Internet and other media are filled with people who are able to manipulate you easily. For this purpose they use a variety of methods that we consider. Reading this, you probably will not remember one case from my experience.
1) True-false statements. Usually an approval is taken very., from the realm of science, beyond the understanding of the target audience, to give weight to the second statement. Example:
— As you know, our universe was born from space-time singularity – point of infinite density.
What follows is a false statement, allegedly associated with the first causality. In fact, no connection there, but this nuance is usually overlooked. Example:
— ...Therefore God exists!
Skillfully used this scheme humanitarian figures. Modern Russian philosopher and culturologist Mikhail Epstein uses the same technique of influence on the unenlightened audience: “Modern science much more than science of the nineteenth century, a belief in the creation of the world and the immortality of the soul... the Age of electronic communications reminds us that the transfer of information is not associated with a specific material carrier of a soul can be immortal. Harder to imagine a world without God – this is the main conclusion of the whole tecnomasio of mankind.”
To trace the falsity of these syllogisms, you need to have at least a basic scientific knowledge and critical thinking. Because people are usually books not read (busy as all the people, what books, I have a job and three children), then knock him off stride easy. Treated with education and self-education of a wide circle, solve simple problems in formal logic.
2) Emotional arguments. A little easier than in the first case. Designed for emotionally labile individuals who intuitively believe that the world corresponds to their perceptions of good and bad. Example:
— Belief in God is inherent in every normal person!
Well, this is a soft example. By the way, is taken from the bulldozer, and to paraphrase the phrase of Boris Grebenshchikov, in one of his interviews. Usually authors go from the negative. For example, “Russian man is drinking because he departed from the faith” or“your children begin to smoke because they were raised without spirituality”.
The scheme is very simple: positiveness the approval of authority figures whose work or activities you love for granted. Or, if the person is not so known, she usually resorts to emotional anchors (national pride, identity among “others”, children, etc.) on which hang the false allegations, passing of a critical mind cut to the ill consumer.
Is treated by raising the level of critical thinking and analysis of claims under the bricks. What do you mean by spirituality? How this factor could prevent the Russian people drink? Usually such issues nobody would argue, simply blamed on a lack of spirituality.
3) Knowingly inaccurate statements. This is really for “dummies”. But it works great with half the country, if not more. Designed for the absence of even a minimal level of competence. Usually mated with the infamous “British scientists have proved it.” Example:
— Scientists have proved that at the time of death the person becomes lighter by 10 grams. Therefore, it departs from the soul.
Each newborn baby has a Fontanelle on top. It is not obvious evidence of the origin of the human race from aliens settled on Earth in ancient times.
Cured by education and change of social circle.
4) Dixit, acting on ego and a sense of belonging. Known to every psychologist a tool of influence. Example:
— In our time, no intelligent person can any longer doubt that homeopathy works.
Everyone is ignorant and narcissistic people like, when it is referred to smart, experienced, knowledgeable life. So these passages are swinging.
— All educated people are well aware that GMOs cause mutations at the cellular level, and cancer.
To stop believing such statements, we need principled, in my opinion, changing personal orientation. Well, education, of course.
Once the science was in Bud, and the gods lived on the nearest high mountain. Then, in the course of development of the terrestrial space, God is settled in heaven. And when the heavens ceased to be a mystery, the Creator had to move to a more remote region. Now, with the progress of theoretical physics, God and any other imaginary beings, you can settle in other dimensions or parallel universes, and it would sound very reasonable and authoritative. Especially against the background of chewing snot, which usually distinguishes the scientists from the charlatans. The scientist mumbles incoherently: “We believe... Have a theory...”, quack clearly says: “Believe me, I know.” Understand what believe more mass.
Of course science doesn't know everything now, and hardly ever will know. And some scientists – the authors of popular science books and leading gear sin that deliberately deny everything that is currently impossible to prove in a scientific way. Even if empirical experience shows that it works. But if science fails to explain something, not because of the perfection of the scientific method in General, and for the same reason it was impossible in the 15th century to make a spectral analysis of light of distant stars, and in the 19th – to decipher the genetic code of a living being.
The great discoveries in our history have made, as a rule, those whose scientific thinking was combined with unfettered flight of fancy and unconventional view of the world. We can only hope that this combination will become over time to meet more often. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: mindness.ru/manipulations/
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