Find out why get motion sickness in the car and how to avoid it
Nothing spoils a trip in the car, such as nausea from motion sickness. Motion sickness in transport — the same as sea-sickness, in medical language it's called kinetosis or motion sickness. Motion sickness kinetosis called because the first time people have encountered this phenomenon when sea voyages.
However, this unpleasant feeling is actually may indicate that our brain is working correctly.
Actually that's why this is so...
Experts believe that during a trip in the car the human brain receives conflicting signals from his environment – similar signals occur during poisoning. And, as we all know, vomiting is the best and fastest way to rid your body of toxins or toxic substances.
So what deceives the brain, forcing him to decide what our body is poisoned?
Experts say that motion sickness in the car (or any such feeling arising from the movement) arises from the fact that our brain does not have time to adapt to the changing speeds.
A man sat in a car, bus, or went on a voyage on the yacht and most of his senses still register that his body is in relative peace and in a sense it is, because the person sits or stands in the vehicle. And at the same time, the brain receives signals of movement, to a greater extent from the sensors of balance in the body – a tiny fluid-filled tubes in the inner ear. This liquid during the movement starts to oscillate, but at the same time, the body is at rest.
From these conflicting signals, the brain starts to get confused and in the end decides that the body was likely shot with a poison – therefore, you need to get rid of the above mentioned known method.
The rules of survival
To make your life easier, you need to follow the simple guidelines.
— Two hours before putting to sea is better not to eat, not to drink alcohol and carbonated drinks.
— On Board transport need to focus on, even just to talk to the passenger.
— If we are talking about the journey on the ship, to be better on the stern and look at the waves, on the horizon, which is stationary.
— Strongly recommended to be placed against the movement — that the ship, in the bus.
— It is necessary to take the drug an hour-half an hour before the sea, fortunately now there is no lack of (dramin, Bonine, aminalon, etc.).
— Nausea helps dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Its action is due to the block allocation of histamines. You can take a pill of vitamin C, eat a green Apple, a slice of lemon or drink mint tea with lemon.
Helps ginger in all forms — powder, lozenges, lollipops, ginger cookies.
— According to some, the nausea also facilitate pickles, if they chew little by little.
To "cheat" the vestibular apparatus, it is possible to touch his feet or shifting from heel to toe. This will reduce the mismatch between signals from different senses in the brain: the vestibular system thinks you are on the ground.
— If nothing helps and it is bad, then you need to lie down, close your eyes (the bus and car are unlikely to succeed, rather — on Board the ship) and try to sleep.
There are rather exotic and incomprehensible at first glance the recommendation, but sailors claim that it helps.
— In front of the boat to pull the wrist elastic bandage. According to Chinese medical theory, there is a point impact which relieves nausea.
— Hold down the teeth a couple of matches or toothpicks and suck them. Probably, this acts as a distraction. However, you can try to suck something else, for example the same mint or ginger candy.
The survivorship bias and the error is recovered
Rules of life from Russian writers
In General, "vestibular" you can purposefully train, at least on a swing-the roundabouts — the body gets used to it. It is known that many beginners have suffered severely from pitching immediately after putting to sea, but then coming back to normal.
As for the car, many passengers are unbearably choppy come back to normal, if you sit behind the wheel.published
Source: masterok.livejournal.com/3055703.html
However, this unpleasant feeling is actually may indicate that our brain is working correctly.
Actually that's why this is so...

Experts believe that during a trip in the car the human brain receives conflicting signals from his environment – similar signals occur during poisoning. And, as we all know, vomiting is the best and fastest way to rid your body of toxins or toxic substances.
So what deceives the brain, forcing him to decide what our body is poisoned?
Experts say that motion sickness in the car (or any such feeling arising from the movement) arises from the fact that our brain does not have time to adapt to the changing speeds.
A man sat in a car, bus, or went on a voyage on the yacht and most of his senses still register that his body is in relative peace and in a sense it is, because the person sits or stands in the vehicle. And at the same time, the brain receives signals of movement, to a greater extent from the sensors of balance in the body – a tiny fluid-filled tubes in the inner ear. This liquid during the movement starts to oscillate, but at the same time, the body is at rest.
From these conflicting signals, the brain starts to get confused and in the end decides that the body was likely shot with a poison – therefore, you need to get rid of the above mentioned known method.

The rules of survival
To make your life easier, you need to follow the simple guidelines.
— Two hours before putting to sea is better not to eat, not to drink alcohol and carbonated drinks.
— On Board transport need to focus on, even just to talk to the passenger.
— If we are talking about the journey on the ship, to be better on the stern and look at the waves, on the horizon, which is stationary.
— Strongly recommended to be placed against the movement — that the ship, in the bus.
— It is necessary to take the drug an hour-half an hour before the sea, fortunately now there is no lack of (dramin, Bonine, aminalon, etc.).
— Nausea helps dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Its action is due to the block allocation of histamines. You can take a pill of vitamin C, eat a green Apple, a slice of lemon or drink mint tea with lemon.
Helps ginger in all forms — powder, lozenges, lollipops, ginger cookies.
— According to some, the nausea also facilitate pickles, if they chew little by little.
To "cheat" the vestibular apparatus, it is possible to touch his feet or shifting from heel to toe. This will reduce the mismatch between signals from different senses in the brain: the vestibular system thinks you are on the ground.
— If nothing helps and it is bad, then you need to lie down, close your eyes (the bus and car are unlikely to succeed, rather — on Board the ship) and try to sleep.
There are rather exotic and incomprehensible at first glance the recommendation, but sailors claim that it helps.
— In front of the boat to pull the wrist elastic bandage. According to Chinese medical theory, there is a point impact which relieves nausea.
— Hold down the teeth a couple of matches or toothpicks and suck them. Probably, this acts as a distraction. However, you can try to suck something else, for example the same mint or ginger candy.
The survivorship bias and the error is recovered
Rules of life from Russian writers
In General, "vestibular" you can purposefully train, at least on a swing-the roundabouts — the body gets used to it. It is known that many beginners have suffered severely from pitching immediately after putting to sea, but then coming back to normal.
As for the car, many passengers are unbearably choppy come back to normal, if you sit behind the wheel.published
Source: masterok.livejournal.com/3055703.html
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