Why the transport cradles and how to avoid it
This painful feeling can ruin any travelling. Let's look at why this happens and how to fight it.
Scientists report that the sickness in transport – is the result of misinterpretation of sensations that brings the brain and body. It appears when the Central nervous system receives from the inner ear, eyes, pressure receptors, nerve endings, joints, muscles and spine contradicting data. And by interaction of this system we get the sense of balance.
When moving transport fluid of the inner ear moves with you. The brain receives information about movement that comes from the eyes, for example, as the error you get queasy.
It so happened that the drugs from the "sea sickness" no. But, for example, if you are traveling by car, it is best to sit in the front. So your body can "be ready" to move and to fix their eye at some point.
Often people think that they feel relieved if you close your eyes. In fact it is not helping at all, rather the opposite. Focused attention, like when driving – that's what helps to overcome the incorrect interpretation of brain data coming from the ears.
You can also use ginger. If you feel nauseous, put in the mouth piece of ginger and chew. Studies confirm that ginger is at times able to alleviate the symptoms of seasickness.
Source: /users/413
Scientists report that the sickness in transport – is the result of misinterpretation of sensations that brings the brain and body. It appears when the Central nervous system receives from the inner ear, eyes, pressure receptors, nerve endings, joints, muscles and spine contradicting data. And by interaction of this system we get the sense of balance.
When moving transport fluid of the inner ear moves with you. The brain receives information about movement that comes from the eyes, for example, as the error you get queasy.
It so happened that the drugs from the "sea sickness" no. But, for example, if you are traveling by car, it is best to sit in the front. So your body can "be ready" to move and to fix their eye at some point.
Often people think that they feel relieved if you close your eyes. In fact it is not helping at all, rather the opposite. Focused attention, like when driving – that's what helps to overcome the incorrect interpretation of brain data coming from the ears.
You can also use ginger. If you feel nauseous, put in the mouth piece of ginger and chew. Studies confirm that ginger is at times able to alleviate the symptoms of seasickness.
Source: /users/413