The new juvenile generation: the "intelligent animals" free Europe
The juvenile generation has grown up in Europe. It grew completely liberal: without fear of punishment, no parental guidance, no education. As a result, young people are more like animals than humans. Quite serious...
On one forum I found the following statement: "in General, it is interesting that a generation will come of our children. For them, it turns out, brought up quite differently, not like us: no punishment, no threats, high heat and hugs".
And isn't it interesting that a generation will succeed at such a liberal upbringing? Because Europe is much ahead of us in the development of freedom and democracy, where this generation has grown up, and now we will show you.
I have a friend is a big traveler: in addition to tourist trips to Europe and Egypt, she repeatedly went to Malta in an English school, where in total he spent six months. Then married the Baltic States, and in the fall of 2013 moved into Bournemouth (England) where he lived for the past 5 years.
My girlfriend is in itself people are very sociable and inquisitive, and so in Britain for language practice and it tried to use every opportunity to communicate in English. On this page with her permission here are some excerpts from her letters of the time (2013-2014).
When we started our correspondence, we were just good friends, that I talked very superficially. I had already knew about juvenile justice, about the seksprosvet for children and other innovations, actively making their way to us from the West, but in real life are not faced with this. She was the opposite situation: she was in the West, but an area of knowledge which concerns children, is not interested.
Over the years we corresponded and shared with each other their knowledge and experiences have happened to her and to my Epiphany: my theory and its practice have developed in a single picture.
Ninety four million four hundred eighty six thousand six hundred fifteen
Here, the buses travel impossible: be sure to sit next to someone smelly. And can be dressed decent! About the students silent – one and all stink. Students, as the students squeal like hyenas, no idea about the decency not. And stink…
Whether the clothes are not wash and do not wash. Most of the people here goes with unwashed hair. Greasy, matted, dandruff – it's a classic. Still eat any abomination on the bus: kebabs, fries hands dirty. They do like to suck something out of your fingers, nibble your nails. Today saw a family: unkempt clothes, shoes hrasnica, although there is always clean. But the main thing – the child. A sweet girl, and face all dirty! Straight grimy.
Twenty three million three hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred forty four
It's hard for me to imagine. Triggered stereotype created by movies! Maybe if I would have seen, believed. Maybe you just such a family was found exclusively grimy?
I try to discreetly take pictures of these raznavolok the British. Husband hisses, does not remove. When I leave the house alone, he gives me instructions: "do not speak to anyone, don't look anyone in the eye!»
If going somewhere, I try to be early because about 17 hours get out of bed and out of school youth. How they shout! In the bus, on the street, in a cafe... And I'll tell you, in a cafe sat, and one girl took off her jacket and began to descend deodorant? Recently observed a similar picture in the same cafe: the girl started to pour the hair lacquer.
5 year old children educate about Masturbation and other details. When I learned about this, immediately decided that no later than the time when my child will be 2 years, I have to leave. I want my child was a normal CHILD's childhood! But run where? At least in Russia, this disgrace is not his way…
I watched the video on YouTube, which you see, children need to try a relationship (read sex) with the opposite sex, and with her, and then let them decide what to choose!
Yes, it's all specially imposed.
Here on the streets young gay ugly chuckle, shout to draw attention to themselves. On TV more than half of the entertainers disgusting prikatyvajut, gay went kidding... At 9 PM, they show movies where the man takes off pants and see everything!
Fifty million five hundred forty nine thousand two hundred fifty three
And I was outraged... I told my husband as his colleague Sam walks into the pool with his 5 year old daughter. Takes her with him to the men's locker room! The husband says, "what was he supposed to do?"I answer that when I'm with my dad went to the circus or the theatre, and I had to pee, and I was too small, he asked some woman to help me, and himself near the toilet stood and waited! He did not go to a female toilet, he's not dragging me to a male!
And my husband says that there is a man who constantly rubs your junk cream, with such a sweeping movements – I laughed. And then the husband tells how this old man is rubbing, and the girl, the daughter of Sam, standing and watching right next to it! And no one is ashamed of the child, a girl.
In the morning I'm looking for something interesting. I see some with the name of the Baby and there is something else. I'm glad – Oh, cartoons, probably! Switch and see the scene: a woman lying in a bow-legged, shaking. Well, naked of course, breast silicone. Invitingly open lips, sticking out their. And looks shabby prostitutes. Free channel!
And every day I tell my husband that I have a new moral injury. And even the court not to file!
And I switch up this prostitute, and the next channel... the Other prostitute. I thought: how so? The UK also! With the queen! Family godly! But good, apparently not.
Forty nine million five hundred two thousand two hundred fifty three
I've been reading about Mayakovsky and learned about the theory of the glass of water. Nowadays a lot of the adherents of this theory. In England they are, I learned, just fit in the bar to someone and ask a question (even without "hi"): "Want to fuck?"And because they this there and go!
When I came here the first time, it was the end of September, still very warm here. And that's going for a walk, I asked her husband: "do you think I should wear tights? Cold out there? And, we yesterday saw the girl, she was pantyhose! Hence, I will not wear!"And the husband to me: "do you know why she was without them? Because it's faster!"Tights I'm wearing…
Fifty two million six hundred thirty five thousand six hundred fifty nine
As an example... See, went to the cafe old man with such a slingshot on wheels, for such a thing when walking rely. He went to the toilet, and imagine how heavy it was with this unit to open the door! So near the door that sat 4 girls, well, 20 years. So they sat quietly while grandpa tried to open the door! I jumped through the dining room to help him, until he fell accidentally! And they sat.
Twenty six million three hundred forty two thousand one hundred forty two
A couple of days ago I was standing in line at the bus. And next to turn the old man stood. It was clear that he did not dare to forward someone to pass, and to stand by him, it seems, was not enough. Well, the truth, as much as it is loose. No one missed! Before me the young woman looked at him and passed. Am I the only one stopped and told him to go ahead of me. He's been through. It turned out, by the way, he and the bus at the wrong place. And now, no matter how much he would stand for nothing this turn?
Sixty four million nine hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred nine
And now look at TV in English youth cause such anger in me. My husband said to ignore it. Yes I would, only that I can not relate as a woman who wants to have children and wants them to be happy.
My colleague told me an amusing story. She has a friend who married a Frenchman. And here they are 7 years ago was going to go to Russia. And the mother of the Frenchman asks them: "are you the car you gonna take?"Those puzzled asked: "Why?"And that they in all seriousness: "is it in Russia has a car.»
They are uninformed about the world in General, the uneducated, the logic is off. A stupid, limited. I have wondered on the Maltese that they have at home books on magazines on cooking and the phone book.
Another case I was surprised. I went to the Mall and started to open the door. On the reverse side a boy of 12 at the same time I started to open it, but seeing that I open, he immediately put his little hands! Such impudence I was surprised and also let go of the door. Okay, he got out and walked away. Right behind him the door started to open and see the old woman. To her, I, of course, helped. And here this old lady calls a boy and reprimands him that he had to open the door to me (pointed at me), and then hold the door for her! The child's face was unusually dull, as if 5-year-old said that he is not the center of the world. I was under the impression was that in England! Someone!!! Make a remark!!! The first time I saw!
Forty two million nine hundred forty nine thousand two hundred sixty seven
I believe that once the British were Prim and proper, well-read and educated. And I don't know why these people took such lousy offspring?
Here is a very often repeated on the TV that was showing. Oh, very often! Easily for 2 weeks every night the same show as last. Often see such a transfer…
Teenagers without parents go on vacation, and the mother of one of them says: "Oh, he's special! And he does nothing, he is not independent at all! If it were possible for him to eat and breathe, I would do it."So chuckles, smiling. And this fellow is 16 years old. Earrings in the ears, on the face all the vices, watered hairspray. And gay haircut, of course. And my mother tenderly! I would have gone crazy if I had such a child.
Husband told, he answered: "Let them do what they want!""Well, do not you teach child Masturbation!", "Well, you don't wakciniruut!"Say, "Then I'm a bad mother, the child will be taken away. Tell the child to wash their hands – will be taken away. And you will show your daughter's genitals?» – «No.» "Yes, in Germany one such violator of the laws already sat in jail." – "Well, then, to the North pole? Where to go?»
Ninety eight million seven hundred sixty one thousand eight hundred sixteen
I watch TV and all around... Understand that they don't live better than us. The English police take bribes like ours, they also have bureaucracy, they are false smile. In Russia nobody knows about life in the West…
Want one case to tell you that recently happened to me. I went to the post office had to pay for sending parcels almost 7 pounds. I have a card of our Bank, it without a chip. Such cards are already out there. In General, in all stores cashiers from fuss: "What to do what to do!"but in General, everything is solved. And here at the post office decided not to – they were not working camera on my card. Well, I say okay, I'll be back later, gonna go home and take card of her husband or cash.
And then two men from the queue, I offer to take the money, each 2 lbs... I refused, but they insisted. Then one of them gave another pound, because it is still not enough. I asked their phones, then to return the money; asked if I buy something, because the card works, the problem is only on this machine. They refused.
In addition to love nobody
The elusive feeling that everything will go like that: Foresight or programming
I also did when someone was missing in front of me at the checkout, there was change money, but did not expect this in England in relation to themselves from strangers. One man was 40 years old, and the second is probably 25-30... Maybe not all the British are neoliberals? published
Source: balalaika24.ru/society/novoe-yuvenalnoe-pokolenie-razumnye-zhivotnye-svobodnoy-evropy
On one forum I found the following statement: "in General, it is interesting that a generation will come of our children. For them, it turns out, brought up quite differently, not like us: no punishment, no threats, high heat and hugs".
And isn't it interesting that a generation will succeed at such a liberal upbringing? Because Europe is much ahead of us in the development of freedom and democracy, where this generation has grown up, and now we will show you.
I have a friend is a big traveler: in addition to tourist trips to Europe and Egypt, she repeatedly went to Malta in an English school, where in total he spent six months. Then married the Baltic States, and in the fall of 2013 moved into Bournemouth (England) where he lived for the past 5 years.
My girlfriend is in itself people are very sociable and inquisitive, and so in Britain for language practice and it tried to use every opportunity to communicate in English. On this page with her permission here are some excerpts from her letters of the time (2013-2014).
When we started our correspondence, we were just good friends, that I talked very superficially. I had already knew about juvenile justice, about the seksprosvet for children and other innovations, actively making their way to us from the West, but in real life are not faced with this. She was the opposite situation: she was in the West, but an area of knowledge which concerns children, is not interested.
Over the years we corresponded and shared with each other their knowledge and experiences have happened to her and to my Epiphany: my theory and its practice have developed in a single picture.
Ninety four million four hundred eighty six thousand six hundred fifteen
Here, the buses travel impossible: be sure to sit next to someone smelly. And can be dressed decent! About the students silent – one and all stink. Students, as the students squeal like hyenas, no idea about the decency not. And stink…
Whether the clothes are not wash and do not wash. Most of the people here goes with unwashed hair. Greasy, matted, dandruff – it's a classic. Still eat any abomination on the bus: kebabs, fries hands dirty. They do like to suck something out of your fingers, nibble your nails. Today saw a family: unkempt clothes, shoes hrasnica, although there is always clean. But the main thing – the child. A sweet girl, and face all dirty! Straight grimy.
Twenty three million three hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred forty four
It's hard for me to imagine. Triggered stereotype created by movies! Maybe if I would have seen, believed. Maybe you just such a family was found exclusively grimy?
I try to discreetly take pictures of these raznavolok the British. Husband hisses, does not remove. When I leave the house alone, he gives me instructions: "do not speak to anyone, don't look anyone in the eye!»
If going somewhere, I try to be early because about 17 hours get out of bed and out of school youth. How they shout! In the bus, on the street, in a cafe... And I'll tell you, in a cafe sat, and one girl took off her jacket and began to descend deodorant? Recently observed a similar picture in the same cafe: the girl started to pour the hair lacquer.
5 year old children educate about Masturbation and other details. When I learned about this, immediately decided that no later than the time when my child will be 2 years, I have to leave. I want my child was a normal CHILD's childhood! But run where? At least in Russia, this disgrace is not his way…
I watched the video on YouTube, which you see, children need to try a relationship (read sex) with the opposite sex, and with her, and then let them decide what to choose!
Yes, it's all specially imposed.
Here on the streets young gay ugly chuckle, shout to draw attention to themselves. On TV more than half of the entertainers disgusting prikatyvajut, gay went kidding... At 9 PM, they show movies where the man takes off pants and see everything!
Fifty million five hundred forty nine thousand two hundred fifty three
And I was outraged... I told my husband as his colleague Sam walks into the pool with his 5 year old daughter. Takes her with him to the men's locker room! The husband says, "what was he supposed to do?"I answer that when I'm with my dad went to the circus or the theatre, and I had to pee, and I was too small, he asked some woman to help me, and himself near the toilet stood and waited! He did not go to a female toilet, he's not dragging me to a male!
And my husband says that there is a man who constantly rubs your junk cream, with such a sweeping movements – I laughed. And then the husband tells how this old man is rubbing, and the girl, the daughter of Sam, standing and watching right next to it! And no one is ashamed of the child, a girl.
In the morning I'm looking for something interesting. I see some with the name of the Baby and there is something else. I'm glad – Oh, cartoons, probably! Switch and see the scene: a woman lying in a bow-legged, shaking. Well, naked of course, breast silicone. Invitingly open lips, sticking out their. And looks shabby prostitutes. Free channel!
And every day I tell my husband that I have a new moral injury. And even the court not to file!
And I switch up this prostitute, and the next channel... the Other prostitute. I thought: how so? The UK also! With the queen! Family godly! But good, apparently not.
Forty nine million five hundred two thousand two hundred fifty three
I've been reading about Mayakovsky and learned about the theory of the glass of water. Nowadays a lot of the adherents of this theory. In England they are, I learned, just fit in the bar to someone and ask a question (even without "hi"): "Want to fuck?"And because they this there and go!
When I came here the first time, it was the end of September, still very warm here. And that's going for a walk, I asked her husband: "do you think I should wear tights? Cold out there? And, we yesterday saw the girl, she was pantyhose! Hence, I will not wear!"And the husband to me: "do you know why she was without them? Because it's faster!"Tights I'm wearing…
Fifty two million six hundred thirty five thousand six hundred fifty nine
As an example... See, went to the cafe old man with such a slingshot on wheels, for such a thing when walking rely. He went to the toilet, and imagine how heavy it was with this unit to open the door! So near the door that sat 4 girls, well, 20 years. So they sat quietly while grandpa tried to open the door! I jumped through the dining room to help him, until he fell accidentally! And they sat.
Twenty six million three hundred forty two thousand one hundred forty two
A couple of days ago I was standing in line at the bus. And next to turn the old man stood. It was clear that he did not dare to forward someone to pass, and to stand by him, it seems, was not enough. Well, the truth, as much as it is loose. No one missed! Before me the young woman looked at him and passed. Am I the only one stopped and told him to go ahead of me. He's been through. It turned out, by the way, he and the bus at the wrong place. And now, no matter how much he would stand for nothing this turn?
Sixty four million nine hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred nine
And now look at TV in English youth cause such anger in me. My husband said to ignore it. Yes I would, only that I can not relate as a woman who wants to have children and wants them to be happy.
My colleague told me an amusing story. She has a friend who married a Frenchman. And here they are 7 years ago was going to go to Russia. And the mother of the Frenchman asks them: "are you the car you gonna take?"Those puzzled asked: "Why?"And that they in all seriousness: "is it in Russia has a car.»
They are uninformed about the world in General, the uneducated, the logic is off. A stupid, limited. I have wondered on the Maltese that they have at home books on magazines on cooking and the phone book.
Another case I was surprised. I went to the Mall and started to open the door. On the reverse side a boy of 12 at the same time I started to open it, but seeing that I open, he immediately put his little hands! Such impudence I was surprised and also let go of the door. Okay, he got out and walked away. Right behind him the door started to open and see the old woman. To her, I, of course, helped. And here this old lady calls a boy and reprimands him that he had to open the door to me (pointed at me), and then hold the door for her! The child's face was unusually dull, as if 5-year-old said that he is not the center of the world. I was under the impression was that in England! Someone!!! Make a remark!!! The first time I saw!
Forty two million nine hundred forty nine thousand two hundred sixty seven
I believe that once the British were Prim and proper, well-read and educated. And I don't know why these people took such lousy offspring?
Here is a very often repeated on the TV that was showing. Oh, very often! Easily for 2 weeks every night the same show as last. Often see such a transfer…
Teenagers without parents go on vacation, and the mother of one of them says: "Oh, he's special! And he does nothing, he is not independent at all! If it were possible for him to eat and breathe, I would do it."So chuckles, smiling. And this fellow is 16 years old. Earrings in the ears, on the face all the vices, watered hairspray. And gay haircut, of course. And my mother tenderly! I would have gone crazy if I had such a child.
Husband told, he answered: "Let them do what they want!""Well, do not you teach child Masturbation!", "Well, you don't wakciniruut!"Say, "Then I'm a bad mother, the child will be taken away. Tell the child to wash their hands – will be taken away. And you will show your daughter's genitals?» – «No.» "Yes, in Germany one such violator of the laws already sat in jail." – "Well, then, to the North pole? Where to go?»
Ninety eight million seven hundred sixty one thousand eight hundred sixteen
I watch TV and all around... Understand that they don't live better than us. The English police take bribes like ours, they also have bureaucracy, they are false smile. In Russia nobody knows about life in the West…
Want one case to tell you that recently happened to me. I went to the post office had to pay for sending parcels almost 7 pounds. I have a card of our Bank, it without a chip. Such cards are already out there. In General, in all stores cashiers from fuss: "What to do what to do!"but in General, everything is solved. And here at the post office decided not to – they were not working camera on my card. Well, I say okay, I'll be back later, gonna go home and take card of her husband or cash.
And then two men from the queue, I offer to take the money, each 2 lbs... I refused, but they insisted. Then one of them gave another pound, because it is still not enough. I asked their phones, then to return the money; asked if I buy something, because the card works, the problem is only on this machine. They refused.
In addition to love nobody
The elusive feeling that everything will go like that: Foresight or programming
I also did when someone was missing in front of me at the checkout, there was change money, but did not expect this in England in relation to themselves from strangers. One man was 40 years old, and the second is probably 25-30... Maybe not all the British are neoliberals? published
Source: balalaika24.ru/society/novoe-yuvenalnoe-pokolenie-razumnye-zhivotnye-svobodnoy-evropy