10 puzzles with a catch, for which you will need to apply logic
The website publishes a selection of fairly simple logic puzzles. In order to find the right answer, you just have to look at the issue at an unexpected angle. What word of seven letters you can remove one "letter" that there were only two letters?
Answer: the word "primer" removed "the letter" and only the "Pb"
How to find last year's snow?
Answer: to go Out immediately after the start of the new year.
Are house rich and poor. They burn. Which house will be the first to put out the police?
Response: Since when do the police put out?
Given the numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
You can find an error here?
Answer: the word "may" is omitted the soft sign.
Which mountain was the highest on the Earth before the discovery of Everest?
Answer: Everest. He was just not open yet.
Three frogs were sitting on the Bank of the pond. One of them decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs are left on the shore?
Answer: Most people answer: on the shore were two frogs. The answer is incorrect. The correct answer is on the shore were three frogs, because the decision to jump and the jump is not the same thing.
A farmer had 17 sheep and all but nine died. How many sheep were the farmer?
Response: survived 9 sheep, as stated in the condition. The catch is that on the machine I want to subtract 9 from 17.
Make one word from the following set of letters:
Answer: the Answer is the phrase "one word".
When a person is at home without a head?
Answer: When he looks out of the window.
How can you explain that in proper hours for just one second the minute hand has passed the 6 minutes?
Answer: the Second hand is 1 sec takes 3600/60=60 (degrees); mean minute during this same time, 60/60=6' (minutes). The catch is that one minute call, and the unit of time and unit of measurement of angles.
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